Better travel | The trend of the ban is not over

Better travel |  The trend of the ban is not over

Summer vacations are approaching and the urge to go abroad can sometimes become unavoidable. Traveling on an optional basis has become possible again as it was before the outbreak, but even though Ottawa has resumed some health activities this week, arranging a last-minute trip may still feel like a hurdle. Findings and tips to help you prepare for departure and return.

Released at 7:15 p.m.

Simon Sabot

Simon Sabot

Everyone wants to leave

“Everyone decided to travel at the same time,” said Manon Langellier, regional holiday director of the Laurel du Wallon agency. We lost a lot of people, “said Nicholas Ryan, CAA-Quebec’s director of public affairs.

A chaotic renaissance

These tips are now very useful, however, as the strong recovery, coupled with labor shortages, has caused countless turmoil in the travel world. Endless queues to get passports or go through security and customs, hundreds of flights were canceled: the woes of travelers were loud this spring. “We failed miserably in preparing for the rescue,” says Mehran Ibrahimi, director of the International Aviation and Civil Aviation Observatory at the University of Quebec (UQAM) in Montreal, who criticized Ottawa for doing too little to maintain the country’s airports. A work relationship with their workers. The absence of a luggage handler can delay the flight departure and lead to a series of disruptions, Mr. Ibrahimi recalled.

Improvements, but …

The person who teaches at ESG UQAM continues, “The federal government is waiting for people to cry before taking action. Ottawa, in the face of discontent, announced a moratorium on vaccinations for passengers from June 20 after conducting a random check for Covit-19 at airports. But on Monday, Family Minister Karina Gold could not say when she would return to normal.The federal government now recommends that passengers submit a passport application within 45 to 50 days of departure.

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The global crisis

Canada is not the only country experiencing airport faults. Earlier this month, CNN reported that more than 1,000 passengers had missed their flights at Dublin Airport in a week. Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary has asked for military assistance to restore the situation at UK airports where long queues, lost luggage and canceled flights are wreaking havoc. In the United States, nearly 2,800 flights were canceled over the long Memorial Day weekend in late May due to labor shortages.

How to do it?

In this context, preparing for a trip is more important than ever, reminds Nicolas Ryan of the CAA-Quebec. Passport, insurance, entry conditions for countries of departure: The list is growing fast. And is constantly changing. To stay updated, CAA-Quebec relies on the Sherpa service provided on its website. The tool, which is updated every “15 or 20 minutes”, specifies all the documents, forms and tests required for a given location. “It was worth discussing until the beginning,” says Nicholas Ryan. In addition, if you buy your own airline tickets, Manon Langellier, of Laurel du Vallon, mentions a plan for a longer stop. “1 hour and 30 minutes between two flights in Toronto, for example, you lose your connection,” he says.

Plan your income

Regardless of the annoyances, people really want to get out, Nicholas Ryan points out. In the excitement of leaving, the wait on the way out goes very well, but on the way back, “when people are eager to be home”, is very painful, according to him. However, if the Ottawa is stabilized in some activity, the application of the application Visit CAN Maintained for all travelers entering the country. Mehran Ibrahimi is hard to explain: “It triples the time each passenger spends at the customs! Despite the hiring announced by Ottawa, the professor believes the training of new staff will be long and the labor shortage will not say its last word. “We’ll pay for the rest of the holiday,” he observes. Any advice on how to return without waiting too long at the customs? Airports de Montreal recalled that from Thursday to Sunday, from 4pm to midnight, it would be good to plan a return to Montreal-Trudeau outside of peak times for international visits.

With the Canadian Press

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  • 1.3 million
    Between 1Er In April 2021 and March 31, 2022, Service Canada issued 1.3 million passports. During the same period last year, only 363,000 passports were issued.

    Source: Canadian Press

    3 p.m.
    Aéroports de Montréal, whether it is an international flight to the United States or a domestic flight, requires passengers to arrive three hours prior to departure. This is especially true for flights to the United States in the morning, and for international flights from 5 pm to 8 pm, and from Thursday to Sunday.

    Source: Montreal Airports

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