Emergency contract for the work of the Pierre-Laporte Bridge

Emergency contract for the work of the Pierre-Laporte Bridge

The Ministry of Transport must urgently award an $8 million contract to consolidate the Pierre-Laporte Bridge without a call for tenders, QMI has learned.

• Read more: “These Bridges Don’t Last Forever”

• Read more: Status of the Pierre-Laporte Bridge: We must “accelerate” the construction of the 3rd link, insists Lehouillier

• Read more: Pierre-Laporte Bridge: Replacement of lines accelerated

Civil engineering firm Pomerleau was able to complete the contract without competition because it was an “urgent situation in which the safety of persons or property is in question,” reads a Quebec government tender call platform.

The contract awarded to Pomerleau will allow it to consolidate 28 lines this year that are “short, prone to rapid deterioration and located in the center of central spans and at the ends of suspended approach spans,” according to an email to the ministry. du Québec (MTQ).

According to the latter, a strike by Quebec state engineers that lasted nearly a month in early summer forced the MTQ contract to be awarded hurriedly and over the counter.

“Since the engineers’ strike delayed the entire process, the ministry is no longer in a position to revert to a traditional tender call. This process reduces delays and simplifies site management,” explained MTQ’s spokesperson Nicolas Vignault.

The condition of the hangers – the vertical steel cables that support the bridge deck – has caused a lot of ink spillage over the past few months.

In mid-June, Radio-Canada revealed the existence of an MTQ report that all lines must be replaced quickly or the integrity of the bridge will be at risk.

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But the Transport Minister came to know about the existence of the report on the same day it was aired.

“It is unacceptable that I was not informed beforehand about this report,” replied the TVA to François Bonnardel, who promised to consolidate some forty lines of the 160 on the bridge this summer.

The minister also assured the safety of the infrastructure used by 125,000 vehicles daily, 9% of which are heavy vehicles: “If we have the slightest doubt, do the job, we will not hesitate to close it,” he said. said.

Also, in addition to Pomerleau’s work, civil engineering firm Stellaire will be mandated to replace 19 lines over three years and install temporary supports on others. Some of this work will take place this fall, MTQ said.

The $14.5 million Stellar contract was finalized on June 28 following a call for tenders. A more precise schedule of work should be announced in the coming weeks.

Over the past five years, more than $95 million has been spent on structural studies and various expertise, MTQ said in June.

It should be noted that MTQ’s Major Road Project Division is now responsible for the maintenance of the structure.

Two weeks ago, Newspaper It revealed that a special committee with nine resources dedicated to the work of the bridge was to be appointed.

A bridge that needs love

– The bridge has 160 lines, all of which need to be replaced

– So far, only 15 of them have been updated

– Stellar has to change about 20 lines within 3 years to stabilize a certain number

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– Pomerleau will integrate 28 more important lines in 2022

– The bridge deck should be replaced by the end of the 2030s

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