Sephiroth and Kazuya Amiibo are now available

Sephiroth and Kazuya Amiibo are now available

Good news, Nintendo fans. One of gaming’s most iconic and popular characters is now available in one of gaming’s most popular and sought-after collectibles. Sephiroth amiibo is now available for purchase at AmazonAnd best buyAnd Jim StopAnd targeting. And for Kazuya fans, you can take him too.

Where to buy Sephiroth Amiibo

Cyberoth Amiibo

Where to buy Kazuya Amiibo

Kazuya amiibo is also available now, and it’s also pretty cool.

Kazuya amiibo

The Sephiroth amiibo and Kazuya amiibo are part of the latest wave of the Super Smash Bros. collection. Ultimate Amiibo figure. There’s also an amiibo of Pyra and Mythra coming sometime this year, though Nintendo has yet to announce release dates for this pair.

As far as amiibo go…these might be some of the best ever? The Sephiroth amiibo alone is extraordinary, but the Kazuya one also bears the same attention to detail. But come on, we all know which one you plan to get!

Sephiroth’s popularity in gaming is undeniable. Go to any gaming-related discord forum or server and you’ll find at least one username based on “Sephiroth” or his identity as a one-winged angel. Even his signature music is one of the most iconic in gaming.

Pre-orders for these products sold out quickly, but they are back in stock now for their release date. Who knows how long the stock will last? not me.

Seth Macy is Executive Editor, IGN Commerce, and just wants to be your friend. You can find him hosting the Nintendo Voice Chat podcast.

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