Alberta still sees Quebec as a spoiled child

Alberta still sees Quebec as a spoiled child

Alberta’s premier, angered by Canada’s commitments to COP26 and the agreement between Quebec and Ottawa on child care, believes Quebec is receiving priority treatment.

During a press conference with Justin Trudeau in Edmonton on Monday, Jason Kenny lamented, “In the end, this is not the only time a two-tier coalition has appeared.

According to him, Alberta is considered a “second-class province”, which is why Quebec received $ 6 billion unconditionally from Ottawa in August, while Alberta on Monday slashed 42,500 childcare facilities by 3.8 in five years. Signed a billion dollar deal. $ 10 per day.

The attack on the Prime Minister of Alberta made Justin Trudeau jump, he took his opponent’s place in the microphone, explaining that he had no question of “admiration” or too much “flexibility” towards Quebec.

“If Alberta already had day care centers at $ 8 a day, we would have had an approach similar to that of Quebec,” he responded before stressing Quebec’s leadership on the matter.

“Alberta Bashing”

Mr. Kenny, who has been betrayed within his own party, has not missed the opportunity to throw stones in Quebec in recent months.

Two weeks ago, he attacked Yves-François Blanchet, leader of the Bloc Québécois, for proposing to establish a “green equation” that would return Ottawa to the less polluted provinces.

To Poor Alberta Bashing, Mr. According to Kenny, the Black leader called on Alberto to show “thank you”.

Mr. Kenny accuses COP26 of promising his federal representative without consulting him that he considers it “unreliable” and “catastrophic for the economy as a whole.”

“Natural resources belong to the provinces and are the provinces that manage and manage these resources under the Constitution,” he stressed on Monday.

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As stated in the first edition of the Glasgow Agreement, Mr. Kenny resists. It was changed at the last minute on Saturday to call for “reducing” the use of these energies, as requested by India and China.

On Monday, Trudeau reaffirmed his commitment to curb emissions from the oil sector to achieve the net zero target by 2050.

“We are working with experts on this. We will continue to work with industry, but also with scientists,” he said, referring to the provinces, causing Mr Kenny’s regret.

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