Cellular while driving | Denise Koderre receives a ticket

Cellular while driving |  Denise Koderre receives a ticket

More than two months after the photo appeared to have been texted while driving, Montreal mayoral candidate Denise Goderre confirmed that she had received a criminal report using a cell phone while driving (DBCB).

Coralie Laplande

Coralie Laplande

The Montreal City Police Department (SPVM) confirmed that the file of the former mayor of Montreal was transferred to the DBCB in July.

An incident report was drawn up by police after a photo of Mr Goderre appearing to have committed the crime was published in the pages. Montreal Magazine At the end of May. We see the man driving his vehicle with his head down and his two hands as if holding a cell phone.

“Following the analysis of the file submitted by the SPVM, we decided to release a report, which in recent weeks Mr. Press DBCB spokesman M.S.e Audrey Roy-Glutier.

The report was issued as “an offense under the Highway Safety Act for using a cell phone while driving”.e Roy-Clutier.

A spokesman for the DBCB said Mr. Coderre could not confirm the exact size of the ticket received. However, he noted that for such an offense, “the minimum fine provided by law is $ 300, inclusive of costs and compulsory contributions.”

Crime Report Mr. Paid by Godrej, confirmed by his press secretary Elizabeth Lame.

After airing a photo of him appearing to have committed a crime in the media, Denise Coderre noted that her cellphone had fallen from its base. He will take it, check its condition, and put it back in its place, according to the version of its facts. In several interviews, Mr.

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The SPVM report on the event, Mr. Coderrey notes that he had to “pull himself to a safe place on the edge of the road” to pick up his phone.

With Isabelle Ducas

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