Govit-19: 71 new cases and four deaths in Quebec

Govit-19: 71 new cases and four deaths in Quebec

Quebec reported 71 COVID cases and 4 deaths, bringing the total to 374,731 victims and 11,207 deaths since the outbreak.

• read more: All parts of Quebec are green

• read more: Vaccine: Quebec strikes to reach 18-39 year olds

Yesterday, the report showed 254 infections in three days.

Situation in Quebec June 29, 2021

  • 374,731 affected (+71)
  • 11,207 deaths (+4)
  • 122 hospitalized (-2)
  • 31 people in intensive care (-)
  • The samples taken were 15,252 out of a total of 10,096,333
  • 107,827 doses are administered, including 102,841 in the last 24 hours for a total of 8,161,356 doses received in Quebec.
  • Outside Quebec, a total of 21,945 levels were managed for a total of 8,183,301


There are 7,949 cases in Quebec, according to the latest figures from INSPQ

Case report by region

  • Pass-Saint-Laurent: 3955 (-)
  • Sagune – Lock-Saint-Jean: 11,015 (-)
  • Capital-National: 32,760 (+5)
  • Morrissey-at-Center-to-Quebec: 15,184 (+2)
  • Ext: 14 887 (+1)
  • Montreal: 132 646 (+29)
  • Outside: 12,504 (+6)
  • ABDB-Demis Gaming: 1146 (-)
  • North Coast: 574 (-)
  • Nord-to-Quebec: 109 (-)
  • Caspe – Magdalen Islands: 2061 (-)
  • Saturday-Appalachians: 19,265 (+2)
  • Laval: 31 607 (+7)
  • Lanadier: 24 034 (+5)
  • Laurentites: 20 982 (+1)
  • Montreux: 51 361 (+13)
  • Nunavic: 47 (-)
  • Terrace-Chris-de-la-By-James: 119 (-)
  • Outside Quebec: 471 (-)
  • Area to be determined: 4 (-)

Total: 374,731 confirmed cases

Regional death report

  • Pass-Saint-Laurent: 52
  • Sagune – Lock-Saint-Jean: 270
  • Capitol-National: 1115
  • Mauritius-at-Center-to-Quebec: 526
  • Estree: 352
  • Montreal: 4766
  • Outdoors: 214
  • APTP-Demiscamming: 9
  • North Coast: 4
  • Northern Quebec: 0
  • Caspian – Magdalen Islands: 46
  • Sadier-Appalachians: 358
  • Laval: 913
  • Lanadier: 516
  • Laurentites: 509
  • Montreux: 1554
  • Nunavic: 0
  • Terrace-Chris-de-la-by-James: 3
  • Outside Quebec: 0
  • Area to be determined: 0
See also  Concerned at St. Joseph-to-Lock, the car of the elected municipal official was set on fire

Total: 11,207 deaths

See also

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