Govit-19: Nearly 40 new deaths in Quebec, hospital admissions continue to rise

Govit-19: Nearly 40 new deaths in Quebec, hospital admissions continue to rise

In the last 24 hours 39 new COVID-19 related deaths have been reported in Quebec. To find similar numbers, according to INSPQ data, we need to go back to February 2021.

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This is almost double the number of deaths in the province (21) compared to the previous day. Since the outbreak, 11,820 Quebecs have died from COVID-19, according to public health statistics.

The number of hospital admissions continues to rise (1750, +158), with 191 people in intensive care (+6).

In Ontario, hospital admissions are as high as the number of citizens in intensive care (288, +22) (+791). Health officials recorded 14 more deaths in their report Wednesday.

Elsewhere in Canada, two more deaths were added to Manitoba, registering 1,790 new cases on Wednesday. Saskatchewan (+541 cases), Newfoundland and Labrador (+479), New Brunswick (+779 cases and three deaths) and Yukon (+66) also updated their data.

Situation in Quebec as of January 5, 2022

  • 680,308 affected (+14,486)
  • 11 820 deaths (+39)
  • 1,750 people have been admitted to the hospital
    • 321 inputs
    • 163 exits
  • 191 are in the intensive care unit
    • 29 posts
    • 23 trips
  • 94,191 doses were added, i.e. 92,506 in the last 24 hours and 1,685 before January 4, giving a total of 15,300,211 doses in Quebec.
  • Outside Quebec, a total of 251,711 doses were administered, with a total of 15,551,922 doses received by Quebecs.
  • 55,339 samples were taken
  • Listen to what public policy analyst Patrick Terry has to say with Benoit Tutric on QUB Radio:
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Deaths by region

  • Pass-Saint-Laurent: 65
  • Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean: 281
  • Capital-Nation: 1150
  • Mauritius-at-Center-to-Quebec: 602
  • Estre: 420
  • Montreal: 4899
  • Outdoors: 224
  • Abitibi-TĂ©miscamingue: 21
  • North Bank: 5
  • Northern Quebec: 0
  • Caspian – Magdalen Islands: 48
  • Saudier-Appalachians: 400
  • Laval: 954
  • Lonadier: 550
  • Laurentites: 536
  • Montessori: 1654
  • Nunavic: 2
  • Terres-Chris-de-la-Boy-James: 5
  • Outside Quebec: 1
  • Area to be determined: 0

Total: 11,820 deaths

Situation in Canada

  • Ontario: 828,032 cases (10,252 deaths)
  • Quebec: 680,308 cases (11,820 deaths)
  • Alberta: Approximately 379,374 cases (3,322 deaths)
  • British Columbia: 266,710 cases (2,427 deaths)
  • Saskatchewan: 87,708 cases (960 deaths)
  • Manitoba: 89,050 cases (1,402 deaths)
  • Nova Scotia: 20,658 cases (111 deaths)
  • New Brunswick: 18,345 cases (168 deaths)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 6,554 cases (20 deaths)
  • Northwest Territories: 2,419 cases (12 deaths)
  • Yukon: 2,010 cases (15 deaths)
  • Prince Edward Island: 1,862 cases
  • Nunavut: 900 cases (4 deaths)
  • Returnees to Canada: 13 cases

Total: Approximately 2,383,943 cases (30,513 deaths)

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