Lease Transfers | According to Duranza, it’s about “giving back with the good of others.”

Lease Transfers |  According to Duranza, it’s about “giving back with the good of others.”

The minister responsible for housing, Frans-Elain Duranceve, wonders whether ‘there may not be an occasion to intervene in rent increases when a house is transferred from one tenant to another, rather than at the level of changing the lease.

When his bill was examined in a parliamentary committee on Tuesday, the minister appeared to have continued reservations about tenants changing leases.

Giving up your lease means “paying it forward with other people’s property,” the minister discussed with lawyer and housing law lecturer David Searle.

“Changing the lease will not solve the problem,” he added. He is Mr. He asked Searle whether it would not be better to intervene in the problem at the source: at the time of the change of accommodation, “there are rent increases, which are undesirable, so should we not work on these increases instead? »

Me Searle responded that tenant advocacy organizations would certainly support such a move to keep rents low.

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