Police are controlling the father of a missing child in Saint-Bale

Police are controlling the father of a missing child in Saint-Bale

The 36-year-old man and his son, who have been wanted since Tuesday evening, were at a home in Saint-Ballet on Saturday.

Currently, the person is being investigated by the police. An investigation into these events is ongoing.

The amber alert, which was launched last Tuesday, was lifted on Saturday afternoon and the two were found missing at a home in Saint-Bale, near Madonna.

The father and son were there until noon on Sunday.

According to Sûreté’s spokesman, Sergeant Claude Doyer, the talks between the individual and the police lasted through the night and continued until the end of the morning.

A village under close surveillance

These events created one of the longest amber alerts in Quebec history.

Throughout the week, people had to connect with a large police force. Helicopters, all-terrain vehicles, lorries and patrol cars passed through the area day and night.

There were still more SQ vehicles on Sunday morning in the village.

In Saint-Paulo, a section of Church Road – the main village road – was closed Sunday morning.

A large security perimeter wall was erected to prevent the movement of people in the locked area of ​​the father and his son.

Saint-Ballet Mayor Pierre Ducre notes that people will not soon forget this mess. Of course, there are lingering memories. Time will fix things. If there are people who need support, do not hesitate to contact the municipality or sources of assistance.

Psychological social workers have recently visited the villagers to help people cope with the stress caused by the situation.

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The mayor says he is very relaxed now. The whole population will begin to breathe again.

We listen to TV for similar cases, telling ourselves that this will never happen in our region, but even though we are a small municipality we realize that we are not immune.

A quote:Pierre Dugré, mayor of Sainte-Paule

Maintain communications

Since the discovery of father and son, the SQ The talks and tactical team began an operation on Saturday that would require intervention.

The Sûreté du Québec Command Center is located in the center of the village of Sainte-Paule.

The Sûreté du Québec Command Center was established in the center of the village of Sainte-Paule.

Photo: Radio-Canada

On Tuesday evening, Charte de Quebec launched an amber alert following the disappearance of a three-year-old infant abducted by his father in Madeleine, near Saint-Ballet.

This warning was extended to all of Quebec and northern New Brunswick. However, police searches were mostly concentrated in an area near the village, where the two missing persons were eventually found.

The operation mobilized significant police resources for six days.

With information from Roxanne Longlois

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