PS5’s new VR2 technology makes a great first impression

PS5’s new VR2 technology makes a great first impression

PSVR 2's first person view shows characters sitting on a boat moving across a river.

picture: Sony

Sony’s PSVR for PlayStation 4, the console’s first serious virtual reality add-on, has done well for itself. It was reasonably affordable, well received by gamers and critics alike, and received far more post-launch support than many previous PlayStation hardware efforts (RIP, dear Vita). Now, several outlets have had their first hands-on sessions with an early release of Sony’s upcoming PSVR2 for the PlayStation 5. The expected new VR doesn’t have an official price or release date (just “early 2023”), but it’s based on those impressions. They are already making waves with critics.

A variety of outlets that have earned these hands-on demos describe the experience as being on par with the more powerful PC VR offerings from Valve or Meta. However, Sony and other developers have yet to create compelling games, and for now, the only exclusive experiences for the new platform are horizon Occasional and VR version of last year Resident Evil Village. The latter can be played for the first time in VR on a Sony headset. There is, too walking dead game and star Wars VR experience, both port of the previous PC/Quest VR games.

In general, critics seemed impressed, even impressed, by the experience. Among the qualities mentioned are the overall build quality and comfort, which seem to compete well with existing headphones. It’s still restrictive, but the cable length seems adequate enough. The quality of the charts and the overall “immersion”, in particular, get a great deal of attention. One of the more bleeding edge features is the headset’s eye tracking, which allows the unit to optimize the view based on where you’re looking, or in the future, lock gazes with other players. There is also haptic feedback in the headset itself. ribbed Note that both features are used in horizonwhich is the most advanced offering of hardware to date.

Basically, it just needs a few killer apps, and the current demo quartet looks like a solid start. Here are some highlights from practical impressions of each port:

“Last week I tried out Sony’s new headphone for the first time and was surprised at how great two of its standout games are, The call of the horizon from the mountain And the Resident Evil Villageseem. They did not rely on particle or stylized artistic direction; They looked like the AAA console games you happen to be in VR. The past few years of playing Quest have recalibrated my expectations of what VR games should look like, and it’s been great to see games progress visually again without the need for elaborate setup.”

“But what does it feel like to play games on the PSVR2, with all its new bells and whistles? The actual PSVR2 was fun to use. Like most modern VR headsets, it allows you to adjust the head strap to make sure everything rests comfortably on your head, and you can adjust the distance interpupillary (IPD) so that the actual lenses inside the headset are the right distance for you. The screens looked great, although sometimes things looked a bit blurry at the edges, which could also happen with the first PSVR.”

Wow. Wow wow. That’s the word that comes to mind when I try to sum up my time with PlayStation VR2. As a huge fan of virtual reality for many years now, it’s safe to say that my first hands-on experience with the upcoming Sony headset wowed my socks VR loving This sleek and modern unit was everything I wanted for an upgraded PSVR headset and more.

In terms of both technological and visual quality, this looks like one of the most memorable generational leaps. Testing the difference in visuals between PSVR1 and PSVR2 brought back memories of graduating from the bright, sharp, high-resolution games of the PS3 after spending years playing games on PS2 in standard definition.”

“Sony has come up with a much higher optical resolution for the PSVR2, which, for the tech-obsessed folks out there, amounts to an OLED display that offers a 2000×2040 per-eye resolution, HDR, 90Hz and 120Hz refresh rates, and a 110-field of view. Impressive on paper, but when you try it on with your headphones on, it’s a little magical.

The level of detail displayed was really confusing, because I wasn’t expecting that from a VR game. I know how dismissive these sounds are in all the VR games out there, of which there are definitely more than a few good looking games out there. However, there is a clear line between the way a VR game is played and the look of a non-VR game – there is a level of richness, detail, and luster that separates them. The call of the horizon from the mountain Blurs this line on PSVR2″.

“Fortunately, PlayStation VR2 feels like a recent entry into the virtual reality scene, with first-class visual resolution and a comfortable ergonomics. Haptic and adaptive stimuli, if done well, will be a welcome addition to the immersive experience. As with all new pieces of hardware. The question now is whether there will be enough games to make the investment worth it.First-party games like The call of the horizon from the mountain It definitely helps allay those fears, and while nothing has been announced yet, I’d be shocked if it was on hold. Half-life: Alex She didn’t make her way to the podium.”

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