Assault and sexual exploitation | Michael Wenne appeals against his conviction

Assault and sexual exploitation |  Michael Wenne appeals against his conviction

Michael Wenne, a former journalist and director of the Institute for Novio Monte (INM), is appealing his conviction for assault and sexual exploitation, which was handed down at the end of June.

Henry Ovelet-Vagina

Henry Ovelet-Vagina

Coralie Lapland

Coralie Lapland

In a notice of appeal to the Quebec City Court, Michael Wenn’s attorneys, Mr.e Lita Sarah Noori and Me Nicholas St.-Jax, the testimony of the accused was judged “on a more strict standard” than that of the complainant.

“We have been given notice of appeal and leave to appeal. The accused is basically raising questions about the law and the truth,” it was confirmed. Press Spokesman for the Director of Criminal and Penal Cases (DPCP) Mr.e Audrey Roy-Clutier stressed that more information on the remaining procedures will be provided soon.

Michael Wenn’s lawyers argue that Judge Stephen Paulin “erred in law by withholding irrelevant factors to assess the credibility of the plaintiff.”

Recall that Michael Wenne was convicted of assault and sexual exploitation of Leah Clermont-Dion at the end of June when she was 17 years old. The prosecution said it hopes the ruling will encourage pressure to press charges against victims in the future.

Letter from Liz Payet

During the trial, Leah Claremont-Dion, a former minister for the status of women, announced that Liz Boyd was accused of “harming a friend.” MMe Boyd signed a letter in December 2015 releasing Michael Wenne.

M. in 2017Me He contacted Clermont-Diane Liz Bayet that he did not agree with the content of the letter.

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In the appellate notice, the counsel for the defendants considered that this document should have been considered evidence capable of raising a reasonable suspicion. Me Nou Roy and Me St. Jacks also states that the actions taken by Liz Boyd should not affect the credibility of the accused.

The facts at the center of this case took place one evening in August 2008 in Quebec. Leah Clermont-Dion, who later became a coach, after an evening organized by INM. Michael Wenne went with him. Leah Clermont-Dion, the person who is now 60 years old, started to progress to her and then tried to put her hand on her underwear.

Michael Wenne, he pleaded for misunderstanding. According to his version, he simply had his hand on the young woman’s shoulder. The judge did not trust him. The case, which lasted two weeks last winter, mainly focused on the testimony of the complainant and the accused.

In this case, Quebec Court Judge Stephen Paulin was very clear in his judgment: he believed in Leah Clermont-Dion, but in Michael Wen’s version he considers that “transparency” is “honest” and “calculated”.

Press Leah contacted Clermont-Dion. He did not wish to comment on the matter at this time.

With Gabriel Beland, Press

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