Code-des-Niges | The two were found dead at home

Code-des-Niges |  The two were found dead at home

From Saturday to Sunday night, two men were found dead in an apartment in the C -te d’Ivoire’s sector in Montreal. Residents of the quiet neighborhood where the tragedy took place are in shock.

Coralie Laplande

Coralie Laplande

Nothing says a tragedy occurred at 4000 rue Bouchette on Sunday morning, except for the orange ribbon that defined the security perimeter around the apartment building. The building is opposite the Lucille-Teestale Elementary School.

A few locals saw the scene and were curious, but were often surprised that such an event had taken place in their neighborhood, which is known to be quiet.

However, a call came in at 9:30 pm to 911 about an armed attack on an apartment building in rue Bouchette.

When agents from the Service de police de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM) arrived at the scene, they saw a man with a knife taking refuge in an apartment. Outside the building, police heard “a man moaning inside the apartment, possibly injured,” according to the Bureau of Intelligence (BEI), which is responsible for shedding light on SPVM’s intervention.

Police entered the building around 1 a.m. and found two men, aged 39 and 45, lying unconscious on the floor. Then their death was announced.

Together with Sûreté du Québec (SQ) a total of five BEI investigators are responsible for shedding light on this case.

“I heard a man screaming,” said a man living upstairs downstairs who did not want to be identified. He reports hearing “continuous sound” and people running.

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“When I saw police cars and blue lights, I ran to the door [de l’immeuble] I opened it for them. I guided [les policiers] Where is the apartment, ”he continues.

He did not personally know the occupants of the apartment where the two bodies were found. However, he pointed out that he had twice complained to the police about the disturbance caused by the neighbors upstairs.

Another resident of the apartment building said he had not heard anything. But, “Someone knocked on our door at 1:30 last night,” he says. The woman, who did not want to reveal her identity, did not respond as she was asleep.

“We are always safe”

A man living a few meters away from the 4000 rue bouchette is not surprised by this event. “We know there are a lot of drug cases here,” he says Press The man who does not want to be identified.

No other citizen on the same street had the same opinion. A resident of the neighborhood for 20 years recalled, “This is actually the first time a murder has taken place here. “We were always safe, but there, in terms of what’s going on, I think we’m not there yet,” she laments.

“There are plenty of people living with children in the house next door,” the anxious woman adds.

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