Health workers | Demonstration in Montreal against compulsory vaccination

Health workers |  Demonstration in Montreal against compulsory vaccination

Nearly 200 people gathered Saturday afternoon at the Place Jacks-Cartier in the old port of Montreal, arguing that there was a difference of opinion among health workers on the compulsory vaccination. The protesters were wearing work uniforms.

Coralie Laplande

Coralie Laplande

“10-15-21 expires,” one woman wrote on the blue hospital band. Quebec flags were flown in the air during the march, with the symbol “Freedom”. However, most of the marches were dressed in public.

The protest was organized by a number of citizen mobilization groups, including the Quebec Pro-Choice and Fame to Quebec Front, which opposes health measures. They say compulsory vaccination will soon be imposed on many businesses in Quebec.

“We know the same rule applies to all employees who provide customer service and wear uniforms! So, we must all stand up against these actions!», Can we read on the event’s Facebook page?

  • Photo by Catherine Lefebvre, Special Gallery

  • Photo by Catherine Lefebvre, Special Gallery

  • Photo by Catherine Lefebvre, Special Gallery

  • Photo by Catherine Lefebvre, Special Gallery

  • Photo by Catherine Lefebvre, Special Gallery

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A nurse, who did not want to be named, had come to share her anger about the mandatory vaccination. “Hospitals are empty,” he said Press. “We are going into a wall called dictatorship,” he added.

The Minister of Health, Christian Dube, reiterated Quebec’s position on compulsory vaccination.

“News for 15,000 non-vaccinated health network employees: Key measures to restructure services will be announced this week. We maintain public health status for 330,000 employees until October 15. The only way to reduce the impact is to vaccinate,” he wrote on his Twitter account.

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One protester, who wanted to remain anonymous, marched against the establishment of a compulsory vaccination and immunization passport. He believes these actions imposed by the government are “wrong” and create “discrimination”.

A teacher, with her two daughters, came to walk “for their future.” “Instead of going to the block [le gouvernement] Give us treatments, ”he said, promoting a healthier lifestyle than the vaccine.

“The right to refuse any medical intervention is a fundamental right,” another researcher, wearing a white lab coat, asked anonymously. “We must live with respect for the diversity of all,” he added.

Protesters marched through the city center streets from the city’s old port to Dorchester Square. In front of a Montreal court, protesters chanted “Shame on you”.

Heavy police security was put in place during the protest. At the end of the day, however, the Service de Police de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM) said there was no overflow.

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