Legalt did not regret his intervention in the campaign

Legalt did not regret his intervention in the campaign

(Québec) Alors que Justin Trudeau est reporté au pouvoir avec un mandat minoritaire, le premier ministre François Legault ne regrette pas son intervention inusitée dans la campagne électorale fédérale. Il additionne les résultats du Parti conservateur et du Bloc québécois pour se montrer satisfait qu’« une majorité a voté bleu » au Québec.

Tommy Chouinard

Tommy Chouinard
La Presse

M. Legault s’est entretenu avec Justin Trudeau mardi. « C’est sûr qu’on a des différends, mais on s’est dit tous les deux qu’on est capable de travailler ensemble, a-t-il relaté lors d’une conférence de presse. Je lui ai rappelé que les normes pancanadiennes dans les CHSLD, j’ai bien de la misère avec ça. Il n’était pas surpris, je lui avais dit souvent. Pour le bien des Québécois, on va travailler ensemble pour faire avancer les dossiers. »

Durant la campagne électorale, François Legault a montré son penchant clair pour un gouvernement conservateur minoritaire et a demandé aux Québécois à se « méfier » de Justin Trudeau dont le programme est « centralisateur » et « dangereux ». « Je suis intervenu, je ne le regrette pas, pour défendre l’autonomie du Québec […] I will do the same, ”he said.

To those who notice that his recommendations were not actually followed by voters, he responds that “there is not a single object in an election campaign” and that “there are many reasons to vote for or against a party”.

“I still see most Cubans voting in blue. I still see most Cubans wanting more autonomy for Quebec, no less,” he added.

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He added that if we add their results, the Conservative Party and the Black Quebecos have won a majority of seats and a majority of votes in Quebec. “So I want Mr. Trudeau to take it into account”, which is “very clear message from the Cubes”.

He also retained Monday night’s results, saying “Quebec needs a party that wants a majority government.” Conservative Stephen Harper won a majority in 2011 with five seats in Quebec.

Franுவாois LeCold dismisses the label attached to him by Liberal federalist deputy Joel Lightbound on Monday evening by affiliating with the “conservative right”. “Saying I’m going to be a right – wing villain is close to his bumps.” I have always defined myself as a talented leftist, ”he said.

Franங்கோois Legalt is still increasing his priority on federal health changes. His ally from British Columbia, John Horgan, the new chairman of the Confederation Council, confirmed that the provinces still agreed to prioritize the file. The provinces will ask Justin Trudeau to hold a meeting on the matter before the holidays.

During his election campaign, Justin Trudeau pledged more than $ 20 billion in all kinds of new investments in the sector, including the prospect of deleting 6 billion health care providers, 7,500 family practitioners and trainees. Hire 3 billion, for example. Franசois Legalt wants to increase transfers directly, without conditions.

On the other hand, when asked if he would create a “third connection” with or without funding from Ottawa, the Prime Minister replied firmly. “But we expect federal money,” he said. He is seeking 40% funding for the Quebec-Lewis tunnel project, which is estimated to cost $ 10 billion. Unlike Erin O’Toole, Mr. Trudeau made no commitment in this matter.

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