Louisville: Going fast in a winter storm pays more for a young driver

Louisville: Going fast in a winter storm pays more for a young driver

The 19-year-old driver was not cold on cold feet and was fined on Highway 40 near Louisville in Mauritius when he went over 60km / h during a winter storm.

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Originally from Pierrefonds, the young man was given a $ 1,246 crime report and 14 demerit points. His driver’s license was also suspended for seven days.

When the winter storm hit the area just before 3pm on February 25, the vehicle was traveling at a speed of 161km / h in the 100km / h zone.

“According to Section 330 of the Highway Safety Code, Sûreté du Québec reminds the driver of a road vehicle to reduce the speed of his vehicle when there is darkness, fog, rain or other visibility conditions on the road. The surface is slippery or not completely clear.” The provincial police recalled in a press release.

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