Maxim Bernier arrested during anti-prison rally in Manitoba

Maxim Bernier arrested during anti-prison rally in Manitoba

After giving a speech in front of a dozen people to condemn, among other things, the prevailing health orders, Maxim Bernier shook hands with them without wearing a mask. After a while the police took him into custody.

A radio-Canadian journalist covering the rally filmed moments following the arrest of Maxim Bernier. He is seen sitting in an SUV, handcuffed G.R.C., While a police officer is talking to him.

The police then took him away, but did not want to tell him where they were going.

Maxim Bernier was arrested in Manitoba

An hour before his arrest, Mr. Bernier tweeted a video in which he was fined 29,296.

In an interview with Radio-Canada prior to his arrest, Maxim Bernier called Manitoba’s health orders “terrible” and announced that he would challenge his violation to the Supreme Court if necessary.

When he arrived in Manitoba he admitted that he was not in isolation, according to health orders.

He said he received a ticket to attend a rally in Newville. He warned that he would be arrested if he attended other rallies.

A spokesman G.R.C. Says Mr. Bernier knew the health orders and had already received a ticket. Following the crime, he was arrested for violating current health orders in Manitoba.

It is alleged that Maxim Bernier took part in a rally in an outdoor public place and did not isolate himself when he arrived in the province. G.R.C..

Mr. A spokesman said Bernier had to appear before a judge.

A spokesman for the Manitoba Department of Justice thanked them G.R.C. For his cooperation in enforcing health orders. Mr. He notes that if convicted of Bernier offenses, he could face a maximum fine of 000 100,000, a maximum of one year in prison, or both.

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Manitoba Tour

A post on his Facebook page from June 11 to 13, He was to visit several villages in the southeast of the province, and Winnipeg As part of a tour Mad Max Manitoba Tour.

Manitoba health regulations prohibit all outdoor and indoor gatherings, and those entering the province require 14 days of isolation.

A provincial spokesman said Thursday that officials were aware of the planned activities and would monitor the site to take videos and gather other evidence of non-compliance with health measures.

A provincial spokesman said officials had been in contact with event organizers to remind them of the orders in effect on meetings and the duty of visitors to isolate themselves for 14 days after arrival in the province.

At a news conference on Thursday, Prime Minister Brian Polyester said that if Maxim Bernier did not comply with the orders, His wallet would be lighter.

With information from Lassa Bamu

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