Poll in Alberta | Jason Kenny’s dangerous bet

Poll in Alberta |  Jason Kenny’s dangerous bet

(Ottawa) Who do you like your mayor? As a municipal councilor? Ah, do you want us to stop changing times twice a year? Oh, do you want to fluoride water again in coal? Then, who do you want to appoint as a senator in Ottawa? Well, when we are in it, tell us: Should we abolish equilibrium?

Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis

Voters in Alberta are invited to vote on Monday, and it is good that they have a sharp pencil. Because in addition to electing their municipal representatives, they are invited to vote on a series of referendum questions. Among those who promise to retain attention: In the balancing program.

Prime Minister Jason Kenny made it a campaign promise. But times have changed since he was elected in 2019. His popularity waned as he became more critical of the epidemic and, nationally, the political landscape changed.

Some experts draw the inventory ahead of the popular consultation.

What is an equation? Is Alberta suffering?

The Equilibrium Plan is an organization that redistributes wealth between the provinces from the taxes of all Canadians. Its purpose is to ensure that the public services provided across the country are equal. By calculation, rich provinces like Alberta contribute to this, while others benefit from it – this is the case in Quebec. But is this unfair to Alberta? Genevieve Tellier, a full-time professor at the University of Ottawa, says, “We’re not going to take money in Alberta.” [dans le calcul], It is not how much tax a province collects, it is how much tax it can collect. In Alberta, there is no provincial sales tax, and tax rates for the rich are very low compared to other counties. It is a social choice, ”said the political scientist.

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Why the referendum?

The Western Province has long since ignited a policy of balancing. “It has become the most powerful symbol of the illegitimacy of Alberta’s deal in the federation,” Jason Kenny said again last July. Part of his pledge to hold a referendum was to mobilize right-wing forces under the umbrella of the United Conservative Party and topple the New Democrats in the 2019 Democratic referendum. At the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary. He also wonders, “to what extent a good political campaign in 2019 reflects the current reality?”

Photo by Jeff Mensintosh, archiving Canadian pressure

City of Calgary, Alberta

Is the question clear?

This is “very clear, but very unreliable, and it can not withstand water because we cannot eliminate the equation,” said Frederick Boyle, associate dean of the University of Alberta’s Saint-Jean campus. The question is stated as follows: “Section 36 (2) Constitution Act, 1982 – Commitment of Parliament and the Government of Canada to the Equilibrium Payment Policy – Should it be removed from the Constitution? “Even if the clear majority answers yes, the process will fail,” Mr Boyle notes: “The government knows that, Jason Kenny agreed. We do not expect the article to be withdrawn, we want to put ourselves in favor of putting pressure on the federal government. However, there are some dance partners.

What do Quebec and Ottawa have to say about this?

The Franுவாois Legalt government, to name a few, will not turn this issue into a hobby horse. “We do not want to see changes in the agreement,” writes Evan Chavez, Quebec’s press secretary. However, he reiterated that the goal of the Caucasus government was to “achieve zero balance”, but noted that “it will take many years to get there.” The federal government did not want to comment on the matter this week. But Justin Trudeau has on more than one occasion mocked Jason Kenny’s crusade, pointing out that the Alberta leader was part of the government that negotiated and implemented Stephen Harper’s deal. The contract in question is valid until 2024.

Photo by Andrzej Ivanov, Agencies France-Press Archives

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

What is Jason Kenny in danger?

Great – whatever the outcome. “If that doesn’t work, not only will he not be able to handle the Covit-19 crisis, but one of the key elements of his campaign will not go away. Christoph Pachercher “He’s significantly weaker,” said Frederick Boyle. Became the most unpopular prime minister in the country.

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Shall we tick yes or no?

A survey conducted by Ledger between September 21 and October 6 found 43% support for the No Option and 26% support for the Yes Option. But beware: 28% of those in question are undecided, and yes camp supporters are more likely to vote. The analysis of this study, taken by the University of Alberta’s Public Ground Research Group, concludes, “Alberts have a surprisingly low level of understanding of the equation.” The interest is even lower. “There is no referendum performance […]Especially since it’s not just a referendum. This was taken with the municipal election and other questions are being asked, ”explains Frederick Boyle. “I, the question that interests me the most, is really the question of time change,” he concludes.

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