Quebec has added 478 new cases in its report

Quebec has added 478 new cases in its report

There have been 478 Govt-19 cases and 5 deaths reported in Quebec, with a total of 424,291 victims and 11,490 deaths since the outbreak.

Yesterday, 478 infections and 4 deaths were reported in the province.

Situation in Quebec as of October 28, 2021

– 424,291 affected (+478)

– 11,490 deaths (+5)

– 254 people in hospital (-3)

* 19 new posts

* 22 new releases

– 67 people in the intensive care unit (+1)

* 9 new posts

* 8 new releases

– Direct debit total 32,889 to 13,258,810

– 14,376 doses were added, i.e. 13,174 in the last 24 hours and 1,202 before October 27, giving a total of 13,209,715 doses in Quebec.

– Outside Quebec, a total of 215,977 doses were administered, with a total of 13,425,692 doses received by Quebecs.

Case report based on region

Pass-Saint-Laurent: 4303

Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean: 11,408

Capital-Nation: 34,679

Mauritius-at-Center-to-Quebec: 17,633

Estre: 17 336

Montreal: 148 742

Outdoors: 14,248

Abbdp-Demiscomming: 1276

North Coast: 701

Northern Quebec: 137

Caspe – Magdalen Islands: 2242

Saudier-Appalachians: 22,197

Laval: 37 039

Lanadier: 27 306

Laurentites: 25 148

Montessori: 58 344

Nunavic: 201

Terres-Chris-de-la-Boy-James: 142

Outside Quebec: 1205

Area to be determined: 4

Total: 424 291 Corona vulnerability confirmed

Deaths by region

Pass-Saint-Laurent: 54

Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean: 272

Capital-Nation: 1133

Morrissey-at-Center-to-Quebec: 571

Estre: 372

Montreal: 4834

Outdoors: 223

Abitibi-TĂ©miscamingue: 10

North Bank: 5

Northern Quebec: 0

Caspian – Magdalen Islands: 48

Saudier-Appalachians: 378

Laval: 937

Lanadier: 531

Laurentites: 529

Montessori: 1587

Nunavic: 0

Terres-Chris-de-la-Boy-James: 5

Outside Quebec: 1

Area to be determined: 0

Total: 11,490 deaths

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