Quebec is the second most popular city in the country

Quebec is the second most popular city in the country

The tourism industry finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel thanks to the latest health changes. In Quebec, hotel tenure rates continue to rise. The old capital has become the second most popular city for tourists in Canada.

• read more: Hotel industry: Workers in the industry protest

• read more: $ 12 million investment to renew tourism in Montreal

• read more: Entertainment vehicles are on the rise in Quebec

“We have become the second largest city in Canada with the best occupation rate. We occupied 26% last summer, and now we have reached … we are more than 52%,” said Robert Mercury, director general of the Office of Tourism de Quebec.

In short, tourists are in high numbers and stay in the capital for a long time.

“The average rose from 1.7 nights to 2.4 nights. We want to continue to strengthen this trend, ”explains Robert Mercury.

Over the Canada Day weekend, the aggression rate rose to 72%, which greatly benefited traders in the region.

Labor shortage

Despite the customers, another challenge awaits hoteliers: labor shortages.

Last week, hotel managers were forced to close rooms.

“Out of 20, we stopped six because I don’t know if I have the manpower to clean them today,” says Michael Dorey.

A new reality, according to him, is explained by government assistance and very easy access to unemployment.

“This week I’m trying to fix something with the maintenance guy on the floor because his assistant was not there and he was doing other things because the assistant had to do some laundry because the guy didn’t come home at night. I mean, it’s completely mind boggling and the boundaries are not even open there. What are we going to do if tourists come? “

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