Quebec LNG says no to the Quebec project

Quebec LNG says no to the Quebec project

The Quebec government has taken its choice: LNG cannot progress with the Quebec gas project. The announcement was made by Environment and Climate Change Minister Benoit Charett during a press conference in S சgue on Wednesday.

Eric-Pierre Champagne

Eric-Pierre Champagne

This decision was made public last March, following the BAPE report, which did not favor the liquid plant and seaport project. Then Minister Charette announced that a decision would be made in late summer or autumn.

“It’s a project with more disadvantages than advantages,” he said. Charette explained the government’s decision to reject the plan. Environmental Quality Act. The minister pointed out that the advertiser must meet three conditions in order to receive a green light, such as social access, support for energy change and contributing to the global reduction of GHGs. “These conditions have not been met,” Minister Charet said.

BAPE estimates that the LNG project will result in an additional eight million tons of greenhouse gases (GHG). However, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has pointed out that governments should not approve new projects to exploit gas, oil or coal in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.

On Tuesday, the IEA stressed that the global recovery from the epidemic would lead to a record increase in GHGs by 2023, although several governments, including Canada, have raised targets to reduce carbon emissions.

The project, which has the support of the city of Sakune and various economic stakeholders, has been heavily criticized by a number of environmental organizations.

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