Valerie Plant “Pump Up” Official Launch of Project Montreal Campaign

Valerie Plant “Pump Up” Official Launch of Project Montreal Campaign

Valerie Blonde officially launched her campaign on Wednesday night at Club Soda, making sure to be “pumped” for success.

Florence Morin-Martell

Florence Morin-Martell

“Valerie, Valerie, Valerie” supporters chanted as the outgoing mayor arrived. The latter said he was a believer, arguing that his party’s duties were created in response to the concerns of the Montreal.

Taking into account the last four years, Mr.Me Plant highlighted the formation of the ELTA team of the Service de Police de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM) dedicated to the fight against guns. “Trudeau must take charge now,” he said, calling the border a “filter” for guns.

Regarding housing, the head of Project Montreal boasted that he was “the first management to invest so much in housing.” The latter recalled investing $ 100 million over ten years to buy land for family and community homes.

Valerie Plant argued that she had “changed her mind” about changing her opponent, Denise Coderre, and that “Montreal does not have a short-, medium- or long-term vision.”

On September 17, Denise Goderre officially submitted her candidacy to Montreal City Hall. In this case, the group’s Montreal’s host declared that he did not take anything for granted, but he believed that “Montreal is the best” and that people “need talent and determination”.

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