[VIDÉO] Brian Mulroney's State Funeral: An Eventful Speech by Wayne Gretzky

[VIDÉO] Brian Mulroney's State Funeral: An Eventful Speech by Wayne Gretzky

Fourth on stage, hockey legend Wayne Gretzky gave an eventful short speech as former prime minister Brian Mulroney called him before an important hockey game.

• Read more: Brian Mulroney's state funeral is minute by minute

• Read more: In the video | Brian Mulroney's granddaughter gets emotional during a moving performance

• Read more: [VIDÉO] State funeral: Emotional, Pierre Carl Pelado calls Brian Mulroney 'second father'

Like himself, Brian Mulroney had a long chat with Wayne Gretzky's father.

Joel Lemay / QMI Agency

“I first met him in 1984 when he became leader of the Conservative Party. A few years later he called me: My wife Mila wants to organize a charity hockey game [pour la fibrose kystique] In Ottawa. I replied: Of course.”

“The competition was fantastic because we raised a lot of money and we raised a lot of awareness, but we were really excited to go to 24 Sussex! I thought it was incredible to go to the biggest house in the country.

Watch Wayne Gretzky's speech in the video above.

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