A reference to the non-fulfillment of the Monroji-Estin CISS

A reference to the non-fulfillment of the Monroji-Estin CISS

(Quebec) CISSS de la Montérégie-Est must provide a doctor’s prescription for the absence of its staff, which may occur “regularly” after an overtime shift or “compulsory overtime” (OST). An action was denied by the union when the workers were at the end of their rope.

Fanny Lewesque

Fanny Lewesque

In a memo sent to its staff on August 6, the health organization said the start of this new “special operation” was a “dazzling increase in time not available at the last minute”. CISSS confirms the absence three times from June to July.

Thus, an employee who works overtime or on a TSO shift, who is then absent from his scheduled normal shift, must now provide “proof of absence”, otherwise he may be paid from the bank for ill health time.

Unauthorized non-existent code will be entered [au] Wage statement ”until the worker submits a document justifying his absence. The Union of Health Care Professionals of Monterrey-Est filed a petition on Monday in response to the memo “to protect the rights” of its members.

“In times of epidemics, we agree that gravity and retention should be a priority, and this kind of reference is contrary to purpose,” laments Brigitte Batry, president of the association, in an email. The union is asking for the note to be “withdrawn” and the practice abandoned.

Labor shortage

According to the union, companies need to adapt their services to the number of maintenance professionals “before there is a shortage of people and an increase in traffic to health.” Companies

For its part, CISS maintains that “the current environment” and “increasing non-attendance increases the high load environment for groups on the job”. In an email sent to PressThe institution recalls, “We must ensure that this situation is handled in a fair manner.”

The company says “Always work [les] Union representatives must address workers’ challenges. It is estimated that “this occasional noise management helps to identify the causes and take preventive measures by implementing them properly.”

The organization says it is “concerned about the increase.” [des heures supplémentaires] And TSO. ”CISS ensures that an employee is paid for his absence if his absence is justified by his manager.

A “tough” move

According to Alain Barre, an associate professor in the Department of Industrial Relations at Laval University, we were asked to review the memo, which appears to be a “relatively strict priority” whereas it is used after overtime or DSO issuance.

“At some point, as man is, he will be at the end of his power. Are we going to allow him to do that? He asks himself.

Gabriel Nado-Dubois, a spokeswoman for Quebec Solitaire, posted a memo on his Facebook page on Tuesday condemning the situation. “In other words: do your continuous 16-hour work, if you fall in battle, try to see a doctor … or lose your salary,” he wrote.

His post was sent over a thousand times and received over 400 comments. In an interview, the elected representative spoke of “absurd” and “dangerous to the public” measures that contribute to “employee fatigue” and that TSO “is no longer an exception, but a fashion.”

If the managers of the public health system want to encourage women working in the public network to go to employment agencies and work, they can not do better. Such a practice excludes workers from the public network, ”he lamented.

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