At least two mandatory days in office for Quebec civil servants | Corona virus

At least two mandatory days in office for Quebec civil servants |  Corona virus

The two ministers said the formula, which would last at least two days face-to-face, would not be temporary. Mrs. Following the filing of a structural policy by the label, this order will become permanent after the outbreak.

In the meantime, government employees who have been in telecommunications for more than 15 months will now gradually return to their workplaces by September 7. Although full-time telecommunications are no longer mandatory due to the progression of infections, keep in mind that public health recommends maintaining it until the end of the summer.

Quebec considers its officials to have demonstrated their productivity in telecommunications throughout the epidemic. The government wants to make sure they have some space in the office and give them the opportunity to continue working at home.

On a voluntary basis

By the beginning of 2022, the telecommunications provided in the framework policy will be used throughout the public service. It is offered on a voluntary basis, with a maximum of three days per week and alternating with workplace routines., Can you read the press release posted on one page of the press conference?

The basic principle of the policy is that it is not mandatory. It is on a voluntary basis, and it is a privilege and a right of management. Not just on both sides [l’employé] It cannot be claimed, but the employer cannot force it.

An excerpt from:Sonia Label, chair of the Quebec Treasury Board

The government also recommends Strongly All Quebec companies must adhere to an immediate return to work ethic to ensure a safe work environment for employees and to implement the necessary preventive measures to control the spread of the corona virus.

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Savings for the state

In addition to the flexibility it provides to workers, especially in terms of work-family harmony, telecommunications allows the government to create interesting economies in areas such as space occupation and energy expenditure.

We have an impact on our government spending. We saw that we had millions of dollars in the first months of the epidemic [d’économies], Sonia Label said at a press conference.

It has everything we need to get from modernizing our things.

Labor Minister Jean-Powell says the possibility of sharing multiple weeks of work between office and home is an interesting incentive to attract workers in the current context of labor shortages.

I have visited companies and continue to be told that teleworking is an asset in terms of recruiting and retaining employees.

An excerpt from:Jean Poulet, Quebec Minister of Labor

This new hybrid employment policy applies only to civil servants who fall under the Civil Service Act.

Due to the nature of their work, employees of the health and education network will not have this opportunity.

Government employees want flexibility

Syndicate de la Function welcomes this opportunity to combine publicity and work with Public at Public to Quebec (SFPQ) face to face. However, its chairman, Christian Dogel, asks if employees can volunteer. While some executives appreciate the benefits of telecommunications, others do not like their experience at all and are eager to return to the office.

We want the employer to ask them if they are interested in the phone and if it is accessible to as many people as possible.

An excerpt from:Christian Dogel, President of SFPQ

According to him, the government is interested in consulting with civil servants to set the parameters of this new mechanism. We also want to be respectful in choosing the days. We do not want the employer to determine if everyone is working on the phone on Mondays and Wednesdays. It should respect the choice of staff as much as possible.

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Exceptions may apply depending on the nature of the work and the duties of the employee.

With information from Prince Veronica

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