Attorney suspect in murder case

Attorney suspect in murder case

A young lawyer is in the cross chair of Sûreté du Québec as part of an investigation into the murder of a drug smuggler who was shot dead on the North Coast about 3 years ago.

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Read more: Murder in repentance: One accused of conspiracy

According to documents submitted to the court, the reason for the investigators’ belief is that Ms.e Nomi Delier is said to have been “behind the truth” accomplice in the murder of Francis Durjan. A 33-year-old man was killed on May 8, 2019 in Rebentini (See the text below)

We read in a statement that one of the main suspects in this case is Kevin St.-Pierre, 32, the ex-wife of a criminal prosecutor and the father of his toddler.

Police suspect that the evening of the murder, along with 31-year-old James Patrice Marty, drove to Durjan’s home in a black Acura DLX car owned by a lawyer.

In the days that followed, when she was in the shadows, Ms.e Dillier had done several tricks while driving, which agents describe as counter-surveillance.

The U-turn on the exit lane of the highway would have made or exited at the last moment, whether it is listed.

Suspicious vehicle

Prosecutors say the second vehicle, a gray Land Rover, was reportedly dropped off at a commercial parking lot in Plainville. This is a technique to “cool” the suspicious vehicle, investigators noted.

This SUV was used by Saint-Pierre and his associates by a scout near Durjan’s place just hours before he died.

However, they were stopped by the police so they fell back into the M vehicle.e Tellier for the future, we recommend in search warrants.

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A few days after the assassination, the lawyer would have called a business to check if Land Rover was still there.

During the investigation, SQ conducted inspections at the homes of Telier and St-Pierre in Blainville in 2019 and 2021, specifically to get their hands on electronic devices that allow transactions between suspects.

However, the police force is still in conflict with the lawyer to access the information contained in these devices, as some may be protected by the lawyer-client privilege.

Among other things, investigators like to look at text messages and the Acura car’s Bluetooth system.

Two stories

No charges have been filed against the lawyer so far. A criminal lawyer from Soral-Tracy was also arrested and released without charge.

The man was arrested with St-Pierre while in possession of a weapon.

Police in Longu are continuing to investigate the case.

Settlement of accounts signed by Hell’s Angels

Francis Durjan would have been the target of scoring in May 2019 because he refused to give his share to Hells Angels for the right to sell drugs in Rebenkney.

According to the documents seen Newspaper, Is said to have been ordered to kill the merchant for refusing to pay “tax” so that he could sell “legally” in the area.

This kind of conflict usually creates “debt” to the criminal system, we can read.

Thus, Durjan owed at least $ 80,000 at the time to his “boss”, a well-to-do member of the Hell’s Angels.

His assassination was allegedly ordered by one or more top members of the criminal motorcycle club, sources told Sûreté du Québec.

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He was attacked by two giants who had just come to warn him.


On the night of the murder, Wesley McKenzie, a 43-year-old cousin of Hell’s Angels, was said to have gone to Durjans, Roe Raymond-Goudralt, when guests were already there.

At 2:15 a.m., he allegedly pulled the host out, where he was dragged away by one of the two men waiting for them.

A neighbor, alerted by four or five gunshots, alerted 911. In the distance she saw the body of a man called “Tank” at the foot of the stairs of the apartment building.

Kevin Saint-Pierre and Wesley McKenzie are two suspects in the Francis Durjan murder case.

Photos taken from Facebook and courtesy

Kevin Saint-Pierre and Wesley McKenzie are two suspects in the Francis Durjan murder case.

McKenzie fled the scene with the suspects identified by Kevin Saint-Pierre and James Patrice Marty.

Shortly afterwards, Repentigny police found Durjan’s bloody body lying in front of his home.

On May 8, 2019, investigators scanned the scene of the crime in Ru Raymond-Cottrell Rebentini.

Photo Archives, Agencies QMI

On May 8, 2019, investigators scanned the scene of the crime in Ru Raymond-Cottrell Rebentini.

Complex case

Authorities soon realized that this was a “complicated” story, and that many individuals were involved.

McKenzie was arrested two days later and charged with conspiracy to commit murder. On his behalf Mr.e Noemi Tellier was able to discuss part of the evidence that underlined her potential involvement in the case.

Last summer, the charges against McKenzie were dropped.

Contacting Ms.e Delier said he had “no idea” at this point.

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