Cheaper and cheaper wins

Cheaper and cheaper wins

It’s trite news, but it’s not.

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The City of Montreal has announced it will no longer pay for its employees’ Christmas parties.

The city’s message is simple: If they want a party, they have to pay for it.

I will answer with a very simple formula: I see here the behavior of stingy people – cheap people, if you will.

An organization is not just a place where an individual, like an automaton, shows up every day to earn his bread. A business is a living environment where a significant part of our existence takes place.

This is despite the fact that today we tend to change jobs more often and not spend our lives within the same company.

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What is a Corporate Christmas Party? It’s that time of year when potential friendships come to fruition, when everyone makes a little effort to look good — and that’s not without significance in our increasingly unkempt times.

Apparently, Darlas and Bozos are always busy putting on a show. They can spoil the party. But there are always some people in life no matter the circumstances.

A Christmas party is an opportunity for the company to thank its employees. She reminds them that they are not interchangeable tokens, but people with the right to oppress.

In particular, it must be said that such a party does not represent an insane cost. I would even say that a company that doesn’t have the means to provide such a treat to its employees (except in exceptional circumstances, obviously) doesn’t know how to properly manage itself.

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I guess the question is: Does my statement apply to both public and private?

My answer: Yes. I would even say: absolutely. An employer, private or public, must treat its employees with respect and consideration.

We should not confuse the organization of such a party with the crazy spending of those who take advantage of the state to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle, combining the best restaurants and the best trips, at the expense of the taxpayers. The two situations are unrelated, people who want nothing more than to save money at the expense of the mundane might think.

Behind all this, we find the essential question of society.

We live in fragmented, fractured societies, broken into a thousand pieces, individuals left to their own devices, which forces them to lock themselves away, to get lost, in a virtual universe, where life no longer smells, no longer exists. There is no sense, no more taste.

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Opportunities to meet new people or turn a superficial relationship into a friendship are becoming rare.

Hence, there will not be a moment of comfort in the company at the end of the year.

All these may seem useless, secondary, trivial.

On the contrary: the corporation plays its part in the destruction of society. This is the real issue behind the celebration of Christmas.

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