Unity candidates defend Nadeau-Dubois’ leadership

Unity candidates defend Nadeau-Dubois’ leadership

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois is “not perfect”. However: Catherine Dorion’s publication in her book does not question her leadership, promising three candidates for the position of co-spokesperson of Quebec Solidaire (QS).

Called by Duty To be debated as part of the co-leadership race, Rupa Kajal, Christine Labrie and Émile Lessard-Therrien on Tuesday took turns to throw their support behind a candidate who wants to rub shoulders with the party leader. In her most recent book, former Taschereau MP Catherine Dorian strongly questioned the former student leader’s activities as parliamentary leader of QS.

“Gabriel is not perfect. His leadership style is not perfect. Once I become the spokesperson, you will say I am not perfect. It is impossible,” admitted Mercier MP Rupa Ghasal on Tuesday, recalling that the GND has faced a lot of “pressure” since becoming Speaker of Parliament at the age of 31. Before.

“He’s going through a journey, and that’s completely normal,” the elected official said in support.

Asked about this, Member for Sherbrooke, Christine Labrie, said Mr. Having worked closely with Nadeau-Dubois as parliament speaker, he reiterated that his colleague was never “perfect”. “We all do our best. We all have a constant concern to deceive as few people as possible, to live up to the trust people place in us,” he said. “We all make mistakes and then make mistakes.”

No matter, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois is “definitely” the right person for the job. “You see, people rush to work with him! » Started Mme Labri.

A warning”

GND may have the “courage to act”, but it must heed the “warning” initiated by M.me Dorian in his book, Hotheads. Punk Faith NotebooksAccording to QS co-spokesperson Émilise Lessard-Therrien, the third candidate in the competition.

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A former member of Rouyn-Noranda-Témiscamingue calls on the National Assembly to pay attention to the company’s dangers. “Catherine warns us against a possible danger: borrowing from the practices and culture of this institution in which we are enmeshed, which is sometimes very toxic,” he said.

MP Christine Labrie believes the release of the artist will bring QS [se] Ask questions about how to grow the left in Quebec. He says he was surprised by the “level of suffering” felt at M’s last decree.me Dorian.

“I still have a great sadness,” he said Tuesday. Because she was a colleague I admired and still greatly admire. I wish I had been there for her more than I was. »

Catherine Dorian’s story from her four-year stint as Taschereau’s MP “could be part of her therapy”, says Rupa Ghazal. The Montreal elected official says he shares the same affection for Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois and Catherine Dorian. “I, I worship Catherine, and I love her, and then I worship Gabriel, and then I love her. Ah, we may like […] Two people, perhaps, do not get along well. Then, things will happen,” he asserted.

Mme Gajal said, “No [avoir] Catherine had the same experience as Dorian. “But not at all.”

“Power Negotiations”

Taschereau’s former MP published a nearly 400-page book this week in which he questions the leadership style of Québec solidaire’s co-spokesmen. First, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

In one passage of the book, for example, Mme The official, who was elected as the party’s parliamentary leader in 2021, said, “Emotional and [à des] Power negotiations.” Over several paragraphs, he questions the party leader’s ways and says he is disturbed by the space he occupies in the media. “As they say in the theater: Ion stage. It won’t happen,” he writes at one point.

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After refusing to comment during the day on Monday, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois finally spoke out in a lengthy message on his social networks in the evening. “Catherine and I don’t have an easy relationship. This will surprise no one,” he admitted. In his speech, QS’s current male co-spokesman regrets not being able to find “a path” between M’s political views.me Dorian and his, despite spending four years together in Parliament.

“For Catherine, the current system condemns the politician to play the role of ‘zombie tribune, destroyed, scripted, unfit to make history.’ Never resolved. This is a challenge faced by many parties who want to end this situation. »

In the context of a major landslide in the polls, Mr. Nadeau-Dubois will have members vote in two weeks. Since he is the only candidate for the post, a vote of confidence will be held.

MN Gajal, Labrie and Lessard-Therrien were the first elected or former members of the Left Party to join Mr. Nadeau-Dubois and M.me Dorian.

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