Emergency closes in Senator: Coroner inquires into Richard Janest’s death

Emergency closes in Senator: Coroner inquires into Richard Janest’s death

The coroner changed his song and eventually led the inquest into the death of Richard Janest, who died of heart failure after being taken several kilometers from his home as the Senator emergency room was closed.

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Health Minister Christian Dubey had earlier said that an inquiry into the case was not necessary.

  • Listen to Richard Janest’s daughter Marianne Janest’s interview with Benoit Tudricz on QUB Radio:

However, questions raised by the public forced the coroner’s office to reconsider the decision.

“Considering all the questions raised by the public, it seemed important for the Bureau of Coroners to shed light on the circumstances that led to Mr. Genest’s death and to make public the results of the autopsy at the end of the investigation,” wrote Jack Lamotta Granado, head of its media relations.

Earlier, Mr. Minister Dube said the coroner had already decided that there was no need for an inquest into Janestine’s death.

But already, the coroner has confirmed that CISSS de l’Abitibi is not involved in the ambulance service or the closure of the Senneterre emergency, as the minister said he believes the words of the CEO of Témiscamingue. “The coroner’s first analysis is that these two services had nothing to do with the death of the very unfortunate Mr. Janest.” Dubey said.

“An autopsy doctor takes into account Mr. Genest’s specific circumstances. I will not comment on his personal situation, “said Tariq al-Hashimi, the party’s secretary general.

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The investigating office initially refused to explain the reasons for not conducting the investigation.

His brother testifies

In an interview with LCN, Jean-Genes confirmed that her brother could have been saved if the Senneterre Emergency, located about fifteen minutes walk from his home, had been opened.

“When he decided to go to the emergency room, it was 5:50 pm because he could not bear the pain. If the senator’s emergency room had been open by then, Richard would have been in the emergency room. , Jean Genest said it would not have been so late there, but because it’s closed, he’s sick and decided to wait until the next morning, but at 1:30 am, he could not pick it up and he had to call an emergency. ”

According to Richard Genest’s daughter Eva, the neuro-vascular surgeon also “saved him a few minutes ago.” “Keeping in mind how far he has to travel, we wonder if he would have been able to get out a little more unnecessarily,” he told Mario Dumont.

Eva Genest also explains that her father was involved in mobilizing citizens to reopen the emergency.

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