Govit-19: There are 369 new cases and no additional deaths in Quebec

Govit-19: There are 369 new cases and no additional deaths in Quebec

Quebec has 369 cowid cases and no deaths, a total of 380,407 infected persons and 11,242 deaths since the outbreak.

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Yesterday, the province recorded 365 infections and one death.

Situation in Quebec on August 12, 2021

  • 380,407 affected (+369)
  • 11,242 deaths (-)
  • 81 hospitalized (+14)
  • 28 in intensive care (+6)
  • The samples taken were 17,494 out of a total of 11,245,665
  • Of the 11,616,214 doses received in Quebec, 44,137 were added in the last 24 hours, or 42,498.
  • Outside Quebec, a total of 47,977 doses were administered for a total of 11,664,191

Case report by section

  • Pass-Saint-Laurent: 3,988
  • Sakune-Lock-Saint-Jean: 11,061
  • Capital-National: 33,043
  • Morrissey-at-Center-to-Quebec: 15,641
  • Estre: 15 060
  • Montreal: 134 649
  • Outreach: 12,648
  • Abbdp-Demiscammingue: 1185
  • North Bank: 588
  • Northern Quebec: 110
  • Caspe – Magdalen Islands: 2078
  • Sodium-Appalachians: 19,348
  • Laval: 32 451
  • Lanaudière: 24 368
  • Laurentites: 21 334
  • Montessori: 52 114
  • Nunavik: 47
  • Terres-Chris-de-la-Bay-James: 119
  • Outside Quebec: 490
  • Area to be determined: 4

Total: 380,407 confirmed cases

Death report by territory

  • Pass-Saint-Laurent: 53
  • Sakune-Lock-Saint-Jean: 271
  • Capital-National: 1119
  • Morrissey-at-Center-to-Quebec: 525
  • Estree: 352
  • Montreal: 4774
  • Outreach: 215
  • APTP-Demiscoming: 9
  • North Bank: 4
  • Northern Quebec: 0
  • Caspe – Magdalen Islands: 46
  • Sodium-Appalachians: 368
  • Laval: 917
  • Lanadier: 517
  • Laurentites: 510
  • Montessori: 1559
  • Nunavik: 0
  • Terres-Chris-de-la-Bay-James: 3
  • Outside Quebec: 0
  • Area to be determined: 0

Total: 11,242 deaths

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