“Independent convoy” in Quebec | SPVQ is looking for a “way” with the organizers

“Independent convoy” in Quebec |  SPVQ is looking for a “way” with the organizers

(Quebec) “Freedom Conway” organizers are preparing by the end of Friday to welcome the first protesters on Parliament Hill in Quebec City, despite previously announced relaxations against the Legal government’s health measures. Two weeks.

Released at 4:25 p.m.
Updated at 4:51 p.m.

Tommy Sonard

Tommy Sonard

The city of Quebec states that they plan a series of weekend shows, but they have not made an official request to hold this kind of “festive event”. So this event is always considered as a demonstration, during which a scene is tolerated only for making texts and broadcasting small music.

Service de police de la Ville de Québec (SPVQ) discusses the content of the weekend event with the organizers, for example, presents a DJ performance starting at 7 p.m.

“We are in constant contact with the organizers, just as we were during the last event. The matter was discussed with them and we are working to find a way out, ”said SPVQ spokesman David Belletier.

The scene set by the organizers is created from the trailer. The Avenue Honoré-Mercier area in front of Parliament is closed to traffic.

Evidence well known of the exchanges between the police and the government testifies that the police had so far realized that mobilization was less important than during the first demonstration of the “Freedom Series” two weeks ago.

Organizers are opposed to maintaining the obligation for students to wear masks at school, and they fear that the vaccine passport will have its use completely abandoned and re-imposed from March 14. After all, they have been challenging the leadership of Prime Minister Franois Legal since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic.

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Organizers have called on their supporters to gather outside parliament from 5pm on Friday. However, only a dozen people had come to the place at that time.

The demonstration should continue on Saturday – especially with Amelie Paul’s speech, which is well known in the conspiracy movement – and will end at 5 pm on Sunday. Convoys of trucks – especially on the North Coast, Sagune and Pius – are expected.

“It simply came to our notice then. It’s friendly and family friendly, “said one of the organizers, Kevan Piloto, in a video posted on Facebook on Friday, where he was seen wearing the” F * ck Legault “toque.

“If you can’t go to parliament, go to Ottawa!” Ottawa is also important, “the police intervention in the city center of the federal capital, which has been besieged by demonstrators and trucks for 22 days.

The leader of the “Conway de la Pius” launched a fundraising campaign and promised to give $ 250 in gas coupons to truckers heading to Quebec City this weekend.

Eager to avoid a siege similar to the one in Ottawa, Quebec’s Mayor Bruno Mercante, in anticipation of this second demonstration in two weeks, changed the municipal by-laws to give the police more powers.

The service de police de la Ville de Québec (SPVQ) can now make “all decisions regarding traffic, parking and street closures” without restriction of the town hall. This change must be “permanent”. According to the evolution of the protest, it allows the police chief to make decisions in hot weather, but also to order “preventive” closures.

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The corporation has decided to revoke the right to drink alcohol in public places and to cook outside. Alcohol consumption in parks was recognized by Regis Lapoum in Quebec at the beginning of the epidemic. According to the mayor, this right will be restored, perhaps next spring.

Despite Bruno Margand’s plea that the right to protest be respected, the organizers of the “Freedom Rally” condemned the new measures.

Two weeks ago, they held a first demonstration, which was overall good.

One weekend, a few dozen trucks blocked the eastbound lanes of Rene-Lewesk Boulevard. The Service de la Ville de Quebec (SPVQ)’s plan is to ensure that protesters do not disrupt further traffic. Police had warned that there was a limit to tolerance and that heavy trucks should depart by 5pm on Sunday. The truckers met for a second demonstration and left the scene unscathed.

SPVQ arrested and distributed three criminal reports related to the Municipal By-Laws and the Highway Safety Code. A vehicle was towed.

SPVQ director Denis Turcotte underscored the “good cooperation” between police and protesters. They exchanged once again about the demonstration taking place this weekend.

The organizers of the “Freedom Series”, the great Bernard Gaudier, did not give interviews and did not accept the work of the media.

In collaboration with Gabriel Beland, Press

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