Man shot by police in Rebentikni | The family wants to report formal racism

Man shot by police in Rebentikni |  The family wants to report formal racism

(Rebentikni) Almost two months after the death of her son who was shot dead by police officers from Rebentini, Mary-Mirelli Pence announced that she would soon file a formal racist complaint with the Commission. Relevant agents.

Frederick Lacroix-Kocher
Canadian Press

MMe Pence wants to move forward, blaming the city of Bendis Rebentikni (SPVR) and the Office of Independent Intelligence (BEI) for the lack of communication and transparency.

I owe this justice to information and transparency. I want to know all this: Why was my son killed by three bullets in the stomach? 2, he commented at a press conference on Sunday morning.

His son Jean Rene Jr. Olivier, 37, a black man, died last August during a police intervention in a residential area of ​​Rebentini.

Photo by Paul Season, archiving Canadian pressure

Jean Rene Jr. Olivier, 37, died last August during a police intervention in a residential area of ​​Rebentikni.

MMe Pence called emergency services because of his son’s health. Following the incident, the BEI opened an investigation into the work of the police. According to the bureau, SPVR agents responded to a call about a “chaotic and disorderly person armed with a knife,” who allegedly threatened police. After trying to justify with him, they reportedly fired several guns in his direction.

According to Fo Nimi, director-general of the Center for Research and Action on Racial Relations (CRARR), the family does not have much faith in BEI’s investigation. “Until now, a lot of information was not in circulation. She did not even know the names of the police officers involved,” he explained.

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Supports CRARR MMe Focus on his efforts.

The preparation of the two complaints comes a week after SPVR announced its action plan as a “truly inclusive service”. However, companies belonging to the city’s black community disclose reservations about this document.

They criticize what has been set aside in its development.

They condemn the document’s avoidance of recognizing black anti-racism. However, a report written by the researchers and commissioned by the SPVR concluded that the police would detain someone from the black community 2.5 to 3 times more than a person from the majority. White.

“What we are asking for is that people from the black communities of Rebentikni should look for solutions to solve this problem,” said Pierre Richard Thomas, head of Lake Media.

For Naimi, black people in the city can join an advisory board with regular meetings.

Restoration des Residents noire de Rebentigni Not to mention black people, the project talks about “community groups” and “community”.

“It looks like we don’t,” President Pierre Yernet said.

The city plans to implement a variety of measures over the next five years, which seems “too long” for stakeholders who want immediate action.

As it is, in five years, we will continue to live as we live now. Profile does a lot of harm in our communities. We cannot wait until 2026 to get solutions.

Pierre Yarnett, head of restructuring

An in-depth review of the policies, orders and procedures of the police service, which is currently the target of a dozen complaints to the Human Rights Commission, was conducted by Mr. Nimi wants to.

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The project, developed by Agencies Una, serves five main purposes, including organizational culture, communication and human resources. About fifty actions will result from these objectives.

“Our action plan is aimed at organizational change, which is based on an equality and diversity approach that goes beyond ethnic details.

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