Mother and son die on troubled road

Mother and son die on troubled road

A 45-year-old mother and her youngest son lost their lives in a head-on collision Saturday night in heavy rain on Route 235, an area considered dangerous by Ang-Guardian residents.

Genevieve Lapoint was traveling in a white SUV with his 8-year-old son Isaac when his vehicle collided with a pickup truck at 7.15pm. Ranking, according to Sûreté du Québec (SQ).

“It rained to drink while standing. Our windshield wipers work at maximum, which is not really good. We can see even less, especially since it burns badly in that corner,” said Miriam, who was a few meters behind to pick up the red.

Motorists saw the crash in front of his eyes.

The vehicle with Farnham’s mother and son caught fire from the collision. Both passengers died at the hospital with injuries.

Devout mother

Geneva Lapoint and his son Isaac.

Photo courtesy

Geneva Lapoint and his son Isaac.

“She was a dedicated mother to her children, and she had an unconditional love for us. Isaac was a great Joe de Vivre and a boy with an infectious smile,” commented Mary-Soleil Major, daughter of Genevieve Lapointe.

The driver of the van was also taken to hospital, but his life was not in danger.

“The limit is 90 km / h, the road is very busy and has an equally busy intersection,” said Benjamin, whose terrain ends less than five meters from the scene of the dangerous collision.

The father of the family wants to invite the area representatives to reduce the speed limit on this part of the road, which he describes as too complicated for many citizens to encounter. Newspaper.

“It’s sad and it worries us. We want to see if there are solutions and if the situation is taken seriously,” said his wife, Stephanie Munier.

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Patience and speed

Their neighbor, Diane, said she had not counted the number of accidents in front of her home for the past 40 years.

Last year, his vehicle, which was parked in his yard, collided with a car that was not forced to stop at the intersection of Rang Seraphine and Route 235. The flashing light sign is installed, but it is far away after the problem is solved, she believes.

“The impatience of the people at the intersection to cut a car and speed on this road, it’s absolutely crazy,” Diane lamented.

In this sector, 17 people were injured in about 40 accidents between 2014 and 2019.

The SQ investigation is still ongoing to understand the circumstances of Saturday’s clash.

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