Dangerous accident on A-15: A bad comedy turns into a drama

Dangerous accident on A-15: A bad comedy turns into a drama

Just when he wanted to play a bad joke with his friend, a 20-year-old man was caught alive In Laval on Highway 15, early yesterday morning.

“It’s really an accident, a very stupid accident,” said Stephanie Peshara, a spokeswoman for the Laval Police Department.

The two returned in a car from a party at around 4:50 a.m., parked on the shoulder of Highway 15 near Boulevard Saint-Martin because the passenger wanted to urinate.

After getting out of the car, Laval police said the young man entered the expressway to convince his 23-year-old friend that he would be beaten up.

The joke took a sad turn when a vehicle hit a passenger.

While trying to avoid the victim, the automobile ended its course on a wall several meters lower.

Two twenty-year-old women who were inside were not injured.

The victim’s friend was treated for nerve trauma.


“It’s sad. It shows that highways are where you need to be serious,” commented Marco Harrison, a road safety expert and director of the CAA-Quebec Foundation.

“As much as possible, like a highway, our recommendation is to go over the grass so that what is set up is completely abandoned,” he says.

According to road safety expert Mary-Soleil Clutier, the speed of vehicles is also an indicator that these roads are not for pedestrians.

“You have to be very careful when you are in the car about what is going on around us,” the National Science Research Institute professor argued.

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