New Brunswick officially begins its first phase of elimination | COVID-19 in the Atlantic

New Brunswick officially begins its first phase of elimination |  COVID-19 in the Atlantic

We did it, Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer at Health, told a news conference in New Brunswick on Tuesday.

Premier Blaine Hicks said more than 520,000 people have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

A total of 75.1% of new Brunswickians of vaccinated age have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Public Health pointed out that this measure was necessary before setting up the first phase of the plan to return to normalcy.

Originally scheduled for June 7, The first step in a plan to bring New Brunswick back to normal Vaccination was postponed until the target was reached.

Premier Plane Hicks confirms that the first phase of the program includes the following reliefs for health restrictions. These measures take effect Tuesday night through Wednesday at midnight.


  • All travel outside the province must be booked;
  • Travel is permitted between New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Avignon in Quebec and RCM in Demiskouda and Cumberland County in Nova Scotia;
  • Visits for personal or family reasons (for example, for lifetime visits or funerals) are allowed with mandatory isolation and a screening test on the 5th day. Isolation ends if the second test is negative;
  • Cross-border passengers and lorries no longer need to self-isolate or inspect;
  • Other workers returning from Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Avignon in Quebec and RCM in Demiskouda or Cumberland County in Nova Scotia must be isolated and tested on the fifth or seventh day. Isolation ends if the second test is negative. If the person is unable to isolate themselves in a separate place then their families should also isolate themselves.
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  • No more bubble commenting The same 15. It is possible to see family and friends, but meetings are limited to 20 people at a time;
  • Meetings are allowed within 50% of the space capacity by filing an action plan;
  • Private meetings are allowed outside with a distance of two meters between groups;
  • Other outdoor meetings are allowed if social distance is possible and with an action plan;
  • Religious celebrations are allowed with a maximum of 50% establishment, and the choir must be four meters away from the congregation.

Other changes

  • Organized sporting activities are permitted with the action plan, as well as with players or teams from Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Avicenna in Quebec and RCM in Demiscou or Cumberland County in Nova Scotia.

Opens “in the coming days” to other parts of Canada

Go to the second step to return to the normal program (New window), At least 20% of people 65 years of age and older should have a second dose of the vaccine.

This move by the program will, among other things, allow vaccinated Canadians to come to New Brunswick.

Isolation requirements at the hotel for other travelers will be waived. In addition, restaurants, gyms and hair salons can operate at their natural capacity.

We talk for days, maybe even hours, to reach Phase 2.

An excerpt from:Plane Hicks, Prime Minister of New Brunswick

Today, 18% of people aged 65 and over have been vaccinated with two doses, and hundreds more are scheduled to receive their second dose in the coming days., Says the Prime Minister.

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The rules will change in the next few days, Predicts Plain Hicks.

Second dose for everyone from Monday

As of Monday, all new French immunizations receiving the first dose of the vaccine can receive a second dose at least 28 days after the first dose is given.

Dr. Jennifer Russell clarified that vaccines from Pfizer-Bioentech and Moderna are interchangeable, and that one person who receives one dose of the vaccine may receive the second dose.

They work the same way, says Dr. Russell, taking the first one you can get.

He also clarified that those who received the first dose of the astrogenic vaccine could receive the second dose of the Pfizer-Bioendech and Modern vaccines.

Three new cases on Tuesday

New Brunswick on Tuesday reported three new cases of COVID-19. There are two new cases in the Fredericton area and one case in the Bathurst and Akkadian peninsulas. There are currently 85 active COVID-19 cases in the province.

With information from Nadia Kadrew

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