Screening: Unavailable appointments are provided

Screening: Unavailable appointments are provided

The Mauricie and Center-du-Québec regions have been given several unavailable time intervals over the next few days due to a problem with the appointment planning platform for the Govt-19 screening.

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Health officials do not have the necessary staff to honor these misappropriated appointments so they should be canceled.

The Mauricie-et-du-Center-du-Québec Integrated University noted, “Our teams will only be screened by the Nucleic Acid Multiplication Test (NAAT) of health workers and individuals waiting for surgery outside of Mauritius and the Center-du-Quebec area. (CIUSSS MCQ).

Rapid home screening tests are offered to other people who come to the site, although the number of tests available is limited.

CIUSSS de la Mauricie-et-du mentioned CIUSSS de la Mauricie-et-du.-Center-du-Quebec does not need to confirm the diagnosis at the screening center, except for health workers, if a positive result is obtained during a rapid test. .

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