Several resignations of nurses at Hôtel-Dieu de Roberval

Several resignations of nurses at Hôtel-Dieu de Roberval

In recent days four nurses from the medical and surgical departments have resigned from Hotel-du de Roberwall, and the Federation des Inframeurs to Sagune-Lock-Saint-Jean-Julie Boin has confirmed two new departures in an interview with TVA. Novels this morning.

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“They are waiting to see if the three private nurses are involved in the private sector …”, he adds. “Since December 2020, 17 nurses, including 13, have been out since last spring. For an environment like Roberwall, this is a disaster!”

Those who resigned last were forced to spend extra time in the summer. They are professionals with 10 to 15 years of experience.

The regional FIQ says the condition was caused in 2016 by the burning of a section of the hospital near the operating room.

“That year, the nurses were not hired, and after that, the delays were never compensated,” says Julie Poe.

The regional federation is calling for an emergency meeting with regional health officials.

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