The corona virus that sends the mask back to class in most parts of Quebec

The corona virus that sends the mask back to class in most parts of Quebec

The mask will be repeated in the Montreal, Laval, Montrege, Lanadier, Laurentites, Capitol-National, Autowice, Estri and Morrisi classes.

The Quebec Federation of Company Managers expects this and has been asking for this action for a long time.

In the interview RDI Morning, Recalls its chairman Nicholas Provost, who said it requires preparation, while the start of the school year is imminent. He criticizes public health for doing it last time.

We made a lot of requests to the Ministry of Education, we asked a lot, but we did not get a response from the public health.

A quote:Nicholas Provost, president of the Quebec Federation of School Managers

All we want other than a successful return to school are the answers we need to give to our staff, Mr. Provost insists.

Wearing the mask is good news in the eyes of Dr. Carolyn Kwach, a microbiologist-infectious disease specialist, pediatrician, epidemiologist, and physician in charge of the infection prevention and control unit at CHU St. Justin.

Guest All morning, She believes that the delta variance clearly marked the measurements for this conclusion that were believed a few weeks ago. We have not yet reached our vaccination goal in all high schools It has something to do with that.

We are clearly on the 4th wave and our Achilles heel is our health system, which is very fragile. We cannot have a significant increase in hospitals, She adds.

In addition, according to our information, sports that are considered high risk will require a vaccination passport. However, this is not the case for other course activities such as theater, chess, and science clubs.

Preferred quick test formula

The government does not want to return to the bubble class concept adopted last year to curb the spread of Govt-19 within companies.

Instead of isolating the entire class when a case arises, the focus will be on providing rapid screening tests for students and staff who show signs of illness.

Tested to do these things during a pilot project in the spring.

For Dr. Kwach, there is no need for large-scale screening because it requires a lot of human resources. She supports the idea Test children with symptoms.

Discussions on these various measures are still ongoing and nothing has been finalized. Cubs will have the perfect time at 1 p.m. Education Minister Jean-Franசois Roberge, Education Minister Isabel Charest and National Public Health Director Dr. Horacio Arruda will speak.

Depending on the situation

The government program has been developed in accordance with the epidemiological context of COVID-19. The daily cases reported by the public health in the province have seen a significant acceleration in recent weeks.

In June, Quebec announced elementary and secondary students They were returning to school without a mask this fall If the vaccination rate between 12 and 17 years of age reaches at least 75%.

However, presenting a plan to return to school in mid-August, Minister Robert announced that students should wear a mask under certain circumstances. For example in school transport and common areas.

On Monday, CEGEP students did Masked return to class, To the delight of many of them.

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