Using Ariane Moffatt’s Image Without Her Permission | SPVM is conducting an investigation

Using Ariane Moffatt’s Image Without Her Permission |  SPVM is conducting an investigation

The Service de Police de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM) has launched an investigation into identity fraud following the use of the image of Ariane Moffatt in advertisements for miraculous weight loss products published on social networks. Press.

Released at 12:00 p.m.

Daniel Renat

Daniel Renat

According to the court document obtained by PressThe trial began on the 1stEr Last February, a few days later a new Keto Advanced 1500 branded slimming product ad appeared on social media.

According to the document, after the appearance of this new ad, Ariane Moffatt received “multiple complaints” from those who bought the product online on the Internet.

“People have to pay $ 40, but they have to pay $ 200Me Moffatt receives a lot of complaints from cheaters. He had to create an automated message on his Facebook account to report that he was the victim of an identity theft scam, ”one investigator wrote in a pledge statement in support of a search warrant.

With this warrant, the Chief Justice of the Peace ordered Facebook Inc., which has offices on Yonke Street in Toronto, to pass on a number of data to the SPVM investigator.

These include slimming products such as Facebook profile ID, email addresses, personalized domains or nicknames, phone numbers associated with this profile, Facebook profile generated IP address, transaction records of alleged crime, and IP activity logs 1.Er July 2021, false ads start date and last February 4th.

The current status of the investigation, which is being conducted in collaboration with SPVM’s Economic Crimes Division and the Internet Investigation Commission, is unknown. At SPVM, we were told it was continuing.

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Deleted from Facebook

Ariane Moffatt has been publicly speaking out on social media against this impersonation since the launch of ads for the amazing Keto 1500 and Keto Advanced 1500 weight loss products, using her name and appearance in July 2021.

The singer, who describes herself as a revealer of physical diversity, assured her fans that she would never take part in such commercials, and announced her departure from the Facebook social network on February 3, two days after the police investigation began. .

“It’s been more than a year since I was fraudulently tampered with to tarnish my image. I have been told atrocities that are completely contrary to my values ​​of weight loss and health. , ”The singer wrote, condemning the inaction of Facebook.

In recent months, several members of the public, including comedian Michel Charette, presenter Véronique Cloutier and former Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre, have complained of similar identity theft.

It is not clear whether a police investigation is underway into the affair.

To reach Daniel Renato, dial 514 285-7000, extension 4918 and write Write to [email protected] or mailing address Press.

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