Vaccine Passport: Restaurant owners want to close their dining room

Vaccine Passport: Restaurant owners want to close their dining room

Restaurant owners in the area have decided to close their dining rooms tomorrow rather than introduce a vaccine passport as the infection has already caused suffocation.

Also read: Passport is a cause for concern

Also read: Vaccine Passport: Test for Conferences and Business Meetings

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For some restaurants that suffer from significant labor shortages, the vaccine passport is broken straw on the camel’s back.

So they have chosen to close their dining room.

This is especially true with branches of L’Oeil du Dragon, a sushi restaurant located in Quebec City and Lewis. Owner Eric Miller said, “This is very inconvenient.

“The government’s guidelines, it’s not clear what we should do. It’s a lot of paperwork, steps and time, the restaurant continues. Already, there is a shortage of manpower and tasks that are really questionable should be added.”

Marc-André Blais, owner of Pizzeria Stratos in Lévis, sees many obstacles.

“I do not have a lot of staff in front of me. It’s hard to say they do their job and take care of it at the same time. They have already worked hard enough for two years. They have done enough, and we do not want to impose on them more than that,” Mr Blaise explains. Mentions about.

Back to school

Pizzeria 67, located in Lewis, in the Saint-Jean-Chrysostom district, is limited to over-the-counter delivery and orders.

“With staff shortages, school year start-ups and vaccine passport management, we cannot provide you with a service that meets your expectations,” the trade on social media sites pointed out.

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The other three restaurants in Quebec have made a similar decision, including Snack Branch and Fromageri des Rivers.

For the Association Restaurant Quebec (ARQ), the vaccine passport is less harmful after nearly 18 months of infection.

“Better Than Closing”

The announced closures do not represent most companies.

“It’s a burden, it’s complex, we know it, but for the whole industry, it’s not a monolith, it’s better than closing the dining room. Martin mentions Vagina.

For the Saint-Hubert team, there is no question of closing many of its dining rooms.

“The vaccinated passport makes it difficult for our staff and customers to enter a restaurant. However, in the next few weeks, we hope the passport will allow us to remove some restrictions,” explains Jose Weilangord, communications director.

– With Jean-Franசois Racine

A great weight

We do not want our staff to deal with all the problems that can be caused by the passport, i.e. the QR code is not working customer or non-compliant paper proof. “

– Mark-Andre Place, Pizzeria Stratos de Lewis

“I don’t think there will be a real impact. I’m going to demand it. We’m going to make it respectable, but it’s thrown in our backyard. Managing it is still in our hands. It’s heavy.”

– Franுவாois Place, Bistro B and ARVI

See also

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