Why Can Canada Almost Guarantee a White Christmas?

Why Can Canada Almost Guarantee a White Christmas?

If you have been dreaming of a white Christmas, then the chances are you are far from alone. If the famous song is anything to go by then it is something that many of us dream of. In the UK a white Christmas is seen as somewhat of a triumph, probably because it is something that we rarely see. If it was something that we had year in year out, then a white Christmas probably wouldn’t feel all that special. Instead, it is something to dream about and wish for and that is something that people across the UK do well.

Dreaming of a White Christmas

What is it that makes people dream so much of a white Christmas? Aside from the fact that it is something that we don’t often have in the UK, it is definitely something that features heavily in Christmas scenes. Whether you’re looking at Christmas cards, watching a Christmas film or looking for Christmas wrapping paper, you’ll find that snow features massively across them all. We all dream of roasting chestnuts on an open fire, having a snowball fight and then coming inside for a hot chocolate and building a snowman with our loved ones. It’s nothing something that we get to do often, but Hollywood certainly makes it seem like something that we should desire – it makes it feel so lovely and glamorous. The truth is that throughout most of the year when it snows, the first thing that we consider is how much of a disruption it is going to have on our day. However, Christmas is a chance to be at home and take time off, so with nothing to do and nowhere to be snow is welcomed by most.

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Why Can Canada Almost Guarantee a White Christmas?

According to Betway Insider Canada is one of the only countries in the world to have the best track record when it comes to experiencing a White Christmas as it made it firmly into the Top 10. One of the things they look at was how much snowfall different places throughout the world have experienced in December. Ottawa, Canada made it into the top list of places that have had the most snowfall since December 2009. Ottawa had 94cm in December 2013, putting them ahead of places like Bern in Switzerland at 88.9cn and Riga in Latvia at 80.1cm. If you’re looking to go somewhere that can almost guarantee a white Christmas, then heading somewhere that has plenty of snow throughout December anyway seems like a pretty decent bet.

They broke down different provinces within Canada to see what the chances of a white Christmas would be and based on snowfall in previous years there are some big chances. For example, Quebec has 50% chance while Nunavut has a 75% chance and the North West Territories have a 67% chance; much better than in the UK where snow hasn’t fallen in over 10 years and according to weather experts this year isn’t going to break that tradition.

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