Covit-19: Beginning of 3rd dose delivery in Quebec

Covit-19: Beginning of 3rd dose delivery in Quebec

3e The Covit-19 vaccine will be distributed to CHSLDs in Quebec from Friday. An action brought a few days ago due to an explosion at a residential center.

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“Immunity is declining over time, and we’re beginning to see it in many regions: re-emergence in residential centers,” says Patricia McKinnon, director of vaccination at CIUSSS de the Capitale-Nationale.

Covit-19: Beginning of 3rd dose delivery in Quebec

Photo by Stevens LeBlanc

It was the recent eruption at CHSLT Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes in the Saint-Saur district, which prompted CIUSSS to expect an injection of 3e Dose for the elderly.

Although no deaths have been reported since October 8, 11 people – including nine users – have been infected with the virus at the company.

“When the virus enters a shelter where customers are most vulnerable, it can [faire des ravages]. That is why it is important for these customers to get the third dose. “Me McKinnon.

Priority to a large number

On Friday and next week, 4,150 users of 29 CHSLDs will visit CIUSSS workers to receive their third dose.

Moderna’s vaccine was selected for this additional injection, all of which have at least two identical doses.

The most populous companies are CHSLD Yvonne-Sylvain, Saint-Antoine and Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, Quebec’s General Hospital. CHSLD Notre Dame-de-Lourdes also tops the list, but it is necessary to wait for the end of the eruption.

For seniors in private apartments in Capitol-National, it is necessary to wait until October 20th. It was during this time that the CISSS followed the vaccination of 3 people with C-Cadillac-Appalachians.e Dose for its 34 CHSLDs.

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Double vaccination

On the south side of the river, we will use the opportunity to provide the influenza vaccine at the same time.

On the Capitol-National side, only people 65 and older can benefit from this double vaccine on Friday.

But Patricia McKinnon says this is only a question of distribution. Others have to wait only a few more days to protect themselves from the flu.

Minimum time between 2 p.m.e And 3e The dose is five months, which is why some organizations may benefit from the Govit-19 vaccine by additional injection before others.

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