Deer will be slaughtered from Michael-Chartrant Park in Langue

Deer will be slaughtered from Michael-Chartrant Park in Langue

The city of Langue confirmed on Monday that several white-tailed deer would be killed from Michael-Chartrant Park in Langue. To. The municipality is based on the results of a report urging “urgency to reduce the number of deer” to “avoid further damage to the park’s natural environment.”

“After evaluating all the possibilities, the members decide that the only possible option in the short term to achieve lasting results is to continue from 2022 to reduce the size of the herd through capture and euthanasia in order to gain support.” Duty Held consultation. Dozens of deer may thus be killed next fall.

According to the report, the number of deer is five times the capacity of the ecosystem. “Restoring ecological balance inevitably involves a significant, urgent and lasting reduction in the number of excess deer in the park,” they emphasize.

Seventy deer are currently in the park, and according to aerial cargo made in the spring of this year, there were about thirty deer a year ago. The support capacity of the park is 10 to 15 deer. The animals reproduce rapidly, and the condition of the park, which is already fragile, “will deteriorate exponentially unless drastic action is taken in the short term,” say the authors.

The new mayor, Catherine Bornier, was unable to provide an interview Monday evening and will instead do so on Tuesday. The table was created to explore the ecological balance and safety of Michael-Chartland Park and to make recommendations before the end of the fall. The mayor promised to honor them during the election campaign.

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In November last year, Longueuil announced Slaughter of about fifteen animals Due to their congestion. Their large numbers threaten the park’s flora and fauna and the safety of motorists.

However, the decision caused a stir, with more than 40,000 names being petitioned. The mayor at the time, Sylvie Barent, who received Death threats, Had then reconsidered his decision.

“Regrettable” and “slanderous”

Auric Dussault, general manager of Sauvetage Animal Rescue, considers this new change to be “regrettable” and has been campaigning for months to provide other solutions. “When we say this is the only possible way, I’m scared. I see it as slander, it’s so simple,” he says.

In particular, the committee proposed to relocate deer or carry out a research project on chemical contraception. “Experts from western Canada told us it was the right thing to do and would have come to Montreal from Vancouver to help us,” the general manager said.

One year ago, lawyer and animal rights activist Anne-France Goldwater supported Sauvetage Animal Rescue and did not reject it. We have to go to court to stop the killings Deer. “We’ll definitely discuss with her to see if there is a chance to do something,” Eric Dussault says, though he is not confident. “I feel like the cards have been played and it will happen soon,” he said. Anne-Franz Goldwater did not respond To, Monday evening.

For their part, the authors of the report note that deer migration is not retained, especially when they have a high mortality rate and a high risk of injury during capture and movement.

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They argue that contraception should be practiced in small isolated populations in order to function effectively and that they are “usually with a death control system”.

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