Man shot dead in Rebentikni: “Proper racism is real,” says QS

Man shot dead in Rebentikni: “Proper racism is real,” says QS

Two days after the death of a 38-year-old man shot dead by police officers from Rebentikni in Lanadiar, Laurier-Dorian deputy Andres Fontesilla condemned the racism within police forces and the extent of their intervention.

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“Was Mr. Olivier killed because he was black?” Andres Fontesilla asked in a statement on Tuesday.

“We need to look seriously at what is wrong with the police. Proper racism is real and it is time to deal with it,” he said.

The death of the 38-year-old man on Sunday also renewed discussions about police intervention with people in psychological distress.

A member of the Quebec Solidarity considers that a police intervention is incompatible with an intervention of a socio-psychological nature.

“The CAQ government, and especially the Minister of Public Security, Geneva Gilbold, must seriously consider this preventable tragedy, which raises the issue of militarization, racism, legitimate and explicit issues of police force. Limits of police intervention with people in psychological distress,” Mr Fondezilla said.

The Human Rights Commission says this system needs to be changed urgently

The need for systematic changes in police procedures and interventions was reiterated by the Commission des Trites de la Person et de Tropez de la Junez, which was shocked and concerned by the death of a black man during a police intervention in Rebentigni on Sunday morning.

The commission said in a statement on Tuesday that ways to deal with people with psychological distress or mental illness should be revised. While the Independent Bureau of Investigation’s investigation is still ongoing, the commission stressed the need for action within the intervention body to deal with the racial profile, without commenting on the facts of Sunday’s incident.

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The organization, which examines racial profiling situations, opened 86 racial profiling cases across Quebec in 2020-2021. He said in his letter that the number had almost doubled in the last two years.

In its report on racial profiling, the Commission recommended that the state and cities provide adequate funding for community, community and health services in a preventive and proximity-based approach, with a view to abandoning penal management-based approaches to social problems.

At the same time, the Commission recommended encouragement from successful partnership efforts between the police, the health network, social services and the social sector. -Increase.

These measures are aimed at restoring confidence in the police services of black communities, indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities.

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