Omigron variant “for the power of 10”?

Omigron variant “for the power of 10”?

The origin of the Omicron variant has reduced COVID-19 to a state of global crisis, and according to Dr. John Liu, the planet is in grave danger if nations do not cooperate more.

Read more: New variant: New fears after the arrival of Delta

Read more: Moderna Omicron wants to create a specific booster size for variation

Read more: Omigron Variation: Foreigners residing in South Africa are prohibited from entering

In an interview with the program, Professor Le Blan, who specializes in epidemiological emergencies at McGill University, pointed out that disunity between countries was the main reason for the emergence of this new variation.

“Leaving a virus that spreads freely every time, it offers the opportunity to create a mutation that can escape the protection of the vaccines we have created so quickly and so vigorously,” Dr. John Liu declares.

“It is important to make sure that we reduce the prevalence of COVID-19 and the new variant, otherwise there will be a new variant to the power of 10 that we have today,” he adds.

Since last May, COVID-19 has caused 1.6 million deaths and more than 90 million cases. This acceleration in the number of infections and deaths is mainly felt in less affluent countries.

And according to Dr. Liu, the main reason for this condition is the lack of dosage in many parts of the world.

“This is not because things are slow here, it is elsewhere. Everywhere else, especially in low-income countries, leading workers have not yet been vaccinated,” said M முன்னாள்decins Sans Frontières (MSF), a former international leader.

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The latter is believed to have tools to effectively combat COVID-19, but should be used worldwide. It refers to vaccination, but also screening, as well as isolation and close monitoring of victims.

“Can we ensure that everyone reaches the final line of the COVID-19 epidemic at a reasonable time and together?” Says Dr. John Liu.

And one of the main things rich countries can do is allow the vaccine patent to be suspended, says Dr. Liu.

Such a gesture would allow the countries in need to produce the quantity domestically in a way that would most effectively control the corona virus and its variants.

Currently, countries like Canada give the third dose to a segment of its population, while in other parts of the world 1% of the population receives the first dose.

Dr. John Liu notes that without the global eradication of COVID-19 it would be localized, meaning that eight billion doses would have to be produced annually and the current problem in accessing vaccines would become cyclical.

“If we do not make some regions autonomous for production, we will face this moral depression every year,” emphasizes the professor who specializes in epidemic emergencies.

To watch the full interview, watch the video above.

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