PLQ is a branch of PLC

PLQ is a branch of PLC

This is a recurring formula: Dominique Anglade’s PLQ with Québec solidaire. This ideological integration is not new. Many, and I, talk about PLQS.

On identity issues, both sides are more or less the same, even if there are subtleties between their talks.

The fact is that each party retains its uniqueness. PLQ remains part of the business community. Its electoral base is made up of the Allophone and Anglophone constituencies, which are allergic to Quebec nationalism.


Despite the parliamentary blanket provided by Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, the QS remains, for the first time, a party of the far left. Its electoral base was mainly made up of a young urban elite, who wears his progressive rhetoric and wants to be with the symbols of the cultural and educational elite.

In fact, to understand that the PLQ, a provincial branch of the Liberal Party of Canada, supports its references and orientations, we must turn our eyes to Ottawa.

We can talk about the ideological colonization of the PLQ by the PLC. This is inevitable and already known under Philip Coulard, he is not far from demanding it.

Inevitably, this is part of the nature of Canadian rule, which pushes the Quebecs to nationalize themselves.

Let’s go down a historical path. The peaceful revolution that began in 1960 forced the PLQ to embrace nationalist discourse, as Quebec as a whole changed. Political survival status for a party aspiring to power. This is what the PLQ did, from Jean Lesage to Robert Bourassa, who wanted to reform the federation and ensure that Quebec was recognized in the constitution by increasing its powers.

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But in 1990 with the rejection of Mich said that English was not Canada. And the PLQ had to be decided. Did he agree to stay in the federation even though the constitution was locked or did he become independent?

Some, like Mario Dumont, rallied in the sovereign camp in the 1995 referendum, but were forced to leave Canada’s party, the PLQ.

Since then, the PLQ has clearly seen its historical purpose.

He no longer carries the Quebec vision of Canada, but he does carry the Canadian view of Quebec. It is an unconditional submission party to Canada.


Its function is to make Cubes accept Canada at all costs. This should lead them to one day call themselves Cubs and Canadians indiscriminately, not Cubs in the first place. It should also focus on realizing the Quebec identity of the historic French-speaking majority. He hopes that Quebec’s population evolution will return to power sooner or later.

Multiculturalism, Mass Immigration, Vocabulary, Government of Judges, Unstable Federation: This is the structure of its principles. This is a PLC modified for the Quebec environment, with some minor code changes.

Everything else is media scams that keep voters uninterested in its authenticity.

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