Quebec cuts supplies to China police station

Quebec cuts supplies to China police station

Quebec has snapped up the goods at one of its Chinese “police stations.”

• Read more: Chinese ‘police stations’ intervene in election campaigns

• Read more: RCMP received over a dozen ‘serious’ reports of alleged Chinese ‘police stations’ in Montreal.

The Ministry of Immigration, Francization and Integration (MIFI) conducted a compliance review with Greater Montreal’s Chinese Family Service last year, he told us via email.

Following the exercise, the department decided to turn off the tap, specifically aimed at checking “governance, good management and accountability”.

At the time of publishing these lines, the ministry is yet to respond to our requests for clarification on the nature of the issues observed.

He initially declined to say whether he had withdrawn the funds last week before changing his mind.

We also don’t know the exact date of this decision during “2020-2021”.

Through its various programs, MIFI has disbursed nearly $2.6 million to the organization since 2018 till date.

Under investigation

Our investigative unit revealed last week that Greater Montreal’s Chinese Family Service and the South Shore’s Sino-Quebec Center are suspected by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Spanish non-governmental organization Security Guards, secret “police stations” on behalf of the Chinese authorities.

RCMP noted last week that Chinese diaspora citizens may be intimidated or intimidated by the Chinese Communist regime in connection with these centers. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was very concerned.

We also revealed two centers on Monday He got involved in politics during the last municipal and provincial council elections.

Messages written in simplified Chinese on their accounts show that both organizations have put forward candidates to the detriment of others, particularly Xixi Li, the director of both centers and a municipal councilor in Brossard.

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