Quebec is moving towards a sensible vaccine for children

Quebec is moving towards a sensible vaccine for children

Public health has set the course for vaccinating young Cubans under the age of 12, but experts believe the process will be done under the guise of caution.

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The director of the vaccination campaign, Daniel Barre, recently called for an autumn program that would include children 11 years and younger when needed. The goal is for children to be ready to react once they have been vaccinated.

According to information from Magazine, An internal note circulating in the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale states that 6-12 year olds were vaccinated in primary schools in November and December. Next year will come the turn of 0-5 year olds.

This note is a reminder that the fourth wave will hit young people and that hospitals will deal with sick children.

An immunologist and virologist at Alan Lamare’s National Scientific Research Institute (INRS) said that although more precautions should be taken for this age group, “it is realistic to think that this can be done very quickly.”

Test low levels

5 to 11 year olds do not respond as well as older people to getting vaccinated, he explains.

“That’s why it’s a bit long, because you have to reconsider the dosage.

This increased warning from the pharmaceutical industry and public health officials may even suggest that these young people may need to wait a few more months to be vaccinated.R. Matthew Simon, head of the intensive care unit at the Institute of Cardiology and Pneumology de Quebec at the University.

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“Until the age of 12, organs are formed and the impact is very difficult to measure. Therefore, studies are lengthy because they are very careful. There is no reason to believe that a vaccine is more dangerous than any other drug, but good studies always take longer. In children revealing themselves about potential symptoms. They have a hard time, “the expert explains.

Too much pressure?

According to DR. Simon, about 1% of patients currently hospitalized in Florida are children under 12 years of age.

“Health Canada and the Canadian Pediatric Association do not expect children under the age of 12 to be vaccinated before the end of winter or in the spring of 2022, but that could change if children are severely affected,” he added.

Mr. The story is similar to Lamare, who believes that parents may feel some sort of pressure when young people have a variety of outbreaks.

However, the good news remains, the studies are going well and no major flaws have been reported so far, he says.

Recent Recent Daily Report There are 579 new COVID-19 cases and deaths in Quebec. The number of hospital admissions has also dropped by five.

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