Quebec-Lewis subway | No cars leave Quebec City

Quebec-Lewis subway |  No cars leave Quebec City

(Quebec) The government has decided to redesign its subway project between Quebec and Lewis once again, announcing on Tuesday that cars will eventually be out of the capital city.

Gabriel Bland

Gabriel Bland

The Minister of Transport agreed that the entire Sarrest would disappear after the exit analysis. Franுவாois Bonnardell says he felt the arguments of many protesters condemning the intention to exit a motorway in downtown.

“Over the past few weeks, I have clearly measured the concerns of the Saint-Roch people who have been concerned about the arrival of additional vehicles. It is important to respond to these concerns,” Mr Bonardell explained Tuesday.

So the government has decided to prevent motorists coming from Lewis from leaving the future tunnel on Boulevard Charest. Already in a very congested area, under the slip roads of the Dufferin-Montmornce Highway, was the exit in front of a metro grocery store.

For now, Quebec plans to keep this evacuation, but only for buses.

Cars will have to choose to exit Dufferin-Montmornsi to the east without being able to climb Parliament Hill or on the way to the Laurence Highway near the Exposite.

For example, this represents a significant loss for Lewis’ driver driving to Upper Town. “We want to increase the attractiveness of public transport,” the minister said.

“Educating people is more of a public knowledge approach than public transport. It’s the future. It’s not a war against motorists. It’s a balanced approach.”

Quebec will conduct further analyzes in the coming months. Two scenarios will be explored: the Charest exit is reserved for buses only, and the Charest exit route is very simply abandoned.

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