Reopening the US border: Christmas ahead of time for tour operators and snowflakes

Reopening the US border: Christmas ahead of time for tour operators and snowflakes

Ottawa | The reopening of the United States land border to Canadians has been welcomed by travel agencies and Quebec snowflakes, who have seen it all during epidemics.

Also read: The United States will open its land borders to vaccinated travelers “in early November.”

This is the case with a Troys-Rivers company that has been carefully prepared for over a year and a half to be “ready” and “well established”.

“Having the green light of governments with the best details is enough to give our customers a full knowledge of the facts,” says Matthew Angers, director of Tours America.

Bookings for the month of December in the United States are already accepted, which represents the bulk of its revenue.

Covit-19 has reduced the agency’s business to zero: no travel or income was recorded from March 2020 until the end of July this year.

“Everyone in the industry has worked hard, but in the end nothing. We will not hide it, it will be disastrous,” he said.

This is “nonsense”

Snowbirds has welcomed the announcement of the opening of the land border with Canada.

“The Canadian government has been accepting Americans by land since August, it is not the same on the American side, so it has a lot of nonsense on that side,” Winter writer Jocelyn Casein said in an interview. In Florida.

100% before “opening the machine”, Mr. Anchors is waiting for details for travelers crossing the border.

Will there be a customs check? Will children who have not been vaccinated be accepted? Is the mask worn at all times?

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“The answers to these questions will guide our next decisions, at which point we can give a solid date for our return to the United States,” he said.


On Wednesday, when another 4 million Canadians were vaccinated this way, we still wondered if the US government would approve a combination of two different vaccines.

In a mail, a spokesman for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said details would be released later this month.

Americans are coming to Canada in large numbers

The opening of Canada’s land border to U.S. residents on August 7 has had a significant impact on the flow of travelers entering the country.

Between July and August, the number of Americans entering Canada tripled.

  • July 2021: 113,000 records
  • August 2021: 354,000 records
  • September 2021: 328,200 inputs

Source: Government of Canada

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