Quebec 21 needs 3rd and 4th annexe Quebec 2021 municipal election

Quebec 21 needs 3rd and 4th annexe Quebec 2021 municipal election

The mayoral candidate surprised everyone by presenting his new plan to improve traffic on Wednesday morning. He proposes to dedicate Tunnel under the river connecting the city centers of Quebec and Lewis Absolutely for public transport.

We agree on the public transportation area that connects the two city centers. On the other hand, the highway area, we think it should go east, Mr. Says Kozalin.

Jean-Franசois Kozulin confirms that people support the construction of a tunnel between Quebec and Lewis, but opposes car traffic to the city on the north coast (archives).

Photo: Government of Quebec

For other modes of transport (cars, lorries, motorcycles, etc.), the head of Quebec 21 calls on the Legal government to reconsider the construction of a highway link east of the city.

It is up to the government to decide

He leaves it up to determine what kind of infrastructure is most appropriate: a tunnel or a bridge.

In the case [du] From downtown to downtown, I’m not an expert on the subject, but it seems possible to get there in a subway. On the other hand, further east, I allow the Minister of Transport to decide whether it is really a tunnel or a bridge. That, I leave to others, Said Jean-Franசois Kozulin.

These are the choices that the government has to make between a major tunnel or small tunnels … or bridges.

A quote:Jean-Franசois Kozulin, President of Quebec 21

The interested mayor argues that by choosing this situation, there is no need to create new freeway curves around the city of Quebec.

I hear it everywhere. People tell us: “We’re on the third link, we’ve into the Quebec-Lewis subway, but we’d not know about the exit of the highway in Quebec City Center.”, Reports Jean-Franோois Kozellin.

The map of the Quebec-Lewis Tunnel Project shows the development of two-story transport lanes.

According to Quebec 21, the construction of a tunnel under the river is entirely reserved for public transport (archives).

Photo: Government of Quebec

By allocating a tributary link for public transport, the diameter of the tunnel can be reduced, which will save money for the Legal government.

To date, what is known about the government’s plan is a major tunnel [de 19,3 mètres] Two floors [avec] Two lanes for road transport and one lane for public transport. It is huge, it is very wide, Argues the president of Quebec 21.

A Changing Greeted

The departure of Jean-Franசois Kozulin quickly reacted to the Quebec mayor’s main rivals. Jean Rousseau, the leader of Democratic Quebec, was pleased to see his opponent support his idea of ​​dedicating the entire Quebec-Lewis tunnel to public transport. She even thanked him for being there Changed To his idea.

He is another player, he is another spokesperson who supports this project that we are presenting. He would never say I was right. On the other hand, I count support, people are in favor of this project. Let others become their spokespersons, so much the better!, Mr. Rousseau commented, while pointing out that he was opposed to a motorway connection project facing east.

Bruno Merchant, Quebec’s strong and proud leader, believes the Legalt government can effectively review its plans and turn the third link into a public transportation project. However, he believes that Jean-Franசois Kozellin dreams of color when he talks about the construction of two infrastructures.

He lives in the unicorn world. At present, it is impossible to start conversations with the government: “I’m not going to negotiate a tunnel, I’m going to negotiate with you and others twice,” but that is not even a government-provided plan. . It’s not even in government boxes, He points out.

Possession is not possible [un] No power balance. In today’s government, I do not think we are saying: “Ah, it would be interesting to discuss with Mr. Kozelin.”

A quote:Bruno Marchand, strong and proud Quebec chef

A gesture Election Conductor

For his part, Jackie Smith, the leader of Transition Quebec, accused Jean-Franசois Gossell of acting opportunistically and first trying to secure his place in the Beauport industry.

I think this is definitely an election gesture. I think it deserves Lewis’ candidacy for mayor, She reacted.

Jackie Smith at an outside press conference.

Jackie Smith, Quebec’s leader for change, called the Quebec 21 plan “electoral”.

Photo: Radio-Canada

Jean-Franோois Kozell later wanted to qualify his thinking, insisting that it was not necessary to build two new separate infrastructures for his desire to bring vehicles out of places other than the city center.

He thinks a section of the Quebec-Lewis tunnel could be diverted to the east to expose automobile traffic.

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However, the head of Quebec 21 made it clear at a press conference that he supported the construction of two infrastructure: one connecting the two city centers and the other facing east.

I, as mayor of Quebec, have my vision right. This is public transport, downtown downtown, but in terms of highway, in terms of truck traffic, in short, actually heading east, Pure Jean-Franசois Coslin.

In collaboration with Olivier The best

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